Monday, November 24, 2014

8th Grade/ Andean Vertical Economy!

Have you ever tasted space food or freeze-dried foods made for camping? The people of the Andes, including those living in the ancient civilization of the Inca, have been using similar foods for centuries. This unique mountainous environment allows the people of the Andes to take advantage of what is called a vertical economy. This week, we will define what a “vertical economy” is, and describe how the Andean people take advantage of the “vertical economy.”

Homework Response Question [Due by Friday, 12/5/14]:- I will allow this to be completed late with credit!
How can we use the techniques of the Ancient Inca to improve our farming practices?

7th Grade/ Salem Witchcraft Trials- 1692!

In 1692 and 1693, more than 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraft- the Devil’s magic- and 20 were executed. Hysteria gripped the village of Salem, Massachusetts as villagers feared they might be the next one accused of witchcraft. Hundreds were put on trial with little or no evidence. Eventually, the Salem villagers admitted the trials were a mistake and compensated the families of those convicted.  

Homework Discussion Post [Due by Friday, 12/5/14]- I will allow this to be completed late with credit! 
What caused the Salem villagers to execute twenty of their own people, and why did so many people go along with it?

6th Grade/ Developing Farmland!

You are an ancient farmer working with other farmers to develop agricultural lands in the southern lowlands. Next class, you must identify the problems and challenges that your community might face in developing this farmland along one of the mighty rivers. You must be able to explain your ideas of how to overcome these problems to your community using a model and community presentation so that work can proceed smoothly.

Homework Discussion Question [Due by Friday, 12/5/14]:- I will allow this to be completed late with credit!

Explain basic design features of your model, and how your model solves the problems of Mesopotamia:

Drought during growing season

Flood during harvest season

Transportation of water to the fields

Sunday, November 16, 2014

6th Grade/ River Systems and Soils!

Our investigation of farming practices in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt began with a challenge of creating a device to transport water from a river to a field. However, the Nile River in Egypt, and the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in Mesopotamia provide much more than just water. Our investigation has led us to a need to explore and observe how river systems change overtime and the soils they produce that allow plants to grow. Are you ready?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

7th Grade/ Colonial Food Preservation!

Colonists experienced many challenges when dealing with foods from their gardens and farms. They did not have technology we use today, such as refrigerators. They had to preserve their food for later use. In class, we have been exploring colonial food preservation methods in order to evaluate their effectiveness and to explain why it was important for people to preserve foods to eat later in the year. Specifically, students have been examining the process of drying and jellying to make Raspberry Jam.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

6th Grade/ Transportation of Water!

Transportation of water from rivers to fields in an easy manner was a problem for early farmers. They certainly didn’t want to carry it all by hand. Using only simple machines they created methods or devices to move water. Your challenge starting tomorrow in class is to create a device that will move water (rice as a substitute) from the river to the field, which is 1 meter away, in as short a time as possible. You will only have certain supplied materials and several constraints! Are you up to the challenge?

Monday, November 3, 2014

8th Grade/ Ancient Aztecs

In the 1400s and early 1500s, the Aztecs dominated the region around modern-day Mexico City. At their peak, they controlled the lives of some 10 to 20 million people. Not always well loved by other groups in the area, the Aztecs created a society that surprised and impressed the Spanish conquistadors who arrived in 1519. Our investigation will work to examine parts of Aztec society in order to decide what we should emphasize when telling the Aztec’s story (Agriculture or Human Sacrifice).