Sunday, February 22, 2015

7th Grade/ Declaration of Independence!

The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important documents in history. Many national independence movements have used the principles expressed in this document as a rationale for breaking free from tyrannical leaders. Many people have used the principles to underline the need for their own civil or human rights. In the next few class periods, you will use the Discovery Education Techbook to trace and summarize key events that resulted in the colonists’ decision to declare independence from Great Britain and explain how the Declaration of Independence outlines basic ideas about the purpose and responsibilities of government. By the end of the week, you should have a complete evaluation of your techbook experience (both from class, and from your own exploration at home), and completed the essential question below:

Homework Discussion Post [Due by Friday, Feb. 27, 2015]:
How does the Declaration of Independence reflect the colonist’s ideas about government?

8th Grade/ From Republic to Empire!

The expansion of Roman power took place over approximately five hundred years, from 509 B.C.E. to 14 C.E. At the start of this period, Rome was a tiny republic in central Italy. Five hundred years later, it was the thriving center of a vast empire. At its height, the Roman Empire included most of Europe, together with North Africa, Egypt, much of the present-day Middle East, and Asia Minor.

The growth of Rome’s power happened gradually, and it came at a price. Romans had to fight countless wars to defend their growing territory and to conquer new lands. Along the way, Rome itself changed. The Romans had once been proud to be governed under a republic of elected leaders. Their heroes were men who had helped to preserve the republic. By 14 C.E., the republic was just a memory. Power was in the hands of a single supreme ruler, the emperor. Romans even worshiped the emperor as a god.

In the class periods to come, you’ll see how this dramatic change occurred. You’ll trace the gradual expansion of Roman power. You will also explore the costs of this expansion, both for Romans and for the people they conquered.

Homework Discussion Post [Due by Friday, Feb. 27, 2015]:
Did the benefits of Roman Expansion outweigh the costs? Explain, and respond to your classmates posts. 

6th Grade/ Pyramid Design Challenge #1

It is 2580 B.C. You and your team have been hired by Pharaoh Khufu as one of several teams of royal engineers who will potentially build his pyramid. To test your engineering skills, Khufu has designed a challenge where your team will have to build a mini pyramid out of every-day materials. After your team has been provided the materials, and the time to build your pyramid you will answer a series of discussion questions. After you have answered these questions, please complete the following homework discussion question: 

Homework Discussion Post [Due by Friday, Feb. 27, 2015]:
What was the biggest challenge your group faced? Were you able to overcome it? If yes, how did you overcome it? Make sure to read and respond to each others posts.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

7th Grade/ Written Account!

Using your written observations, write an account of the Boston Massacre using only what you see in the image.