Monday, November 24, 2014

6th Grade/ Developing Farmland!

You are an ancient farmer working with other farmers to develop agricultural lands in the southern lowlands. Next class, you must identify the problems and challenges that your community might face in developing this farmland along one of the mighty rivers. You must be able to explain your ideas of how to overcome these problems to your community using a model and community presentation so that work can proceed smoothly.

Homework Discussion Question [Due by Friday, 12/5/14]:- I will allow this to be completed late with credit!

Explain basic design features of your model, and how your model solves the problems of Mesopotamia:

Drought during growing season

Flood during harvest season

Transportation of water to the fields


Anonymous said...

During the drought we put the water in a pond then place a log in front of pond so water will not leave
During flood season we put these logs on the sides of the river so the water wont flood the crops.
We used a inclined plane and buckets.

By Taylor 3/4 A C E

Unknown said...

Matthew Rajala
3/4 ace
We built a series of dams and we have a place to store water so what this does is it lets us block out some water durring floods and it lets us store water for drought.

Anonymous said...

my group made two to three dams that we can move up and down so there is not that much pressure or water flowing so floods don't happen a lot.

mackenzie.w 3/4 ace

Anonymous said...

For a drought season we made a pool to store water. For flooding we made a gate on each side of the river. For transportation of water we left a small space so the water could reach the field. Antaneia F 3/4 BDF

Robin Ryan said...

During the drought we put the water in a pond then place a log in front of pond so water will not leave
During flood season we put these logs on the sides of the river so the water wont flood the crops.
We used a inclined plane and buckets.