Tuesday, January 20, 2015

7th Grade/ Toward Independence!

Homework Discussion Post [Due by Friday 1/23]:
When is it necessary for citizens to rebel against their government? Explain in detail!


Anonymous said...

I think it is necessary to rebel when the government puts to many taxes or tells the citizens that they are weak.

Anonymous said...

Anna Long
01-20-15 7/8 ACE
It is necessary for citizens to rebel against their government when they feel that there is something very unfair or unjust that has been pointed out to the government multiple times, yet they still haven't done anything to fix, improve, or stop it.

Trevor Pusey 5&6 ACE said...

It's necessary that the civilians fight back against their government because the laws that the government makes are sometimes cruel to the civilians whether it's "The Stamp Act" or the "Quatering Act," the laws cost a lot of money and civilians all ready have to pay enough so why pay more.

Anonymous said...

Jamison Harbinson 5/6 ACE 1/21/15 It is necessary for citizens to rebel against their government when the government goes against the citizens and does things behind their back that they do not know about such as raise taxes or unfair laws etc. Also when they make unfair treatments or when they favor people or put other people to work.

Anonymous said...

Yousuf Al Naseri

Its necessary to rebel against their government when they make rules that are random. Plus most of the rules that they made where dumb because they made a Stamp Act for no reason and they had to put stamps on every envelope they send. They also made the Quartering Act where they had to pay for the soldiers food, housing, and etc. and plus at the end they cancelled the Stamp Act. But there was one rule that did make sense, The Proclamation. Where they had a rule that they couldn't fight each other and that saved a lot of lives. I think it is necessary to rebel against their government when they don't give the citizens a say in what happens in great Britain.

!!!((Yousuf Alnaseri))!!!

Anonymous said...

Emma Murphy 7/8 ACE
It is necessary for citizens to rebel against their government when unjust things have been happening repeatedly over time. Things that could happen that could cause citizens to rebel are things like unfair laws and heavy taxing.

Anonymous said...

It is necessary to be Rebelde against there governermt because they tell them to pay taxes and after all they don't give the colony there rights to talk and express there feeling or may have another idea.
Cati SilvestrePerez. 5-6ACE

Anonymous said...

It is necessary for citizens to rebel against their government when they take actions that negatively effect their people. This may be making laws that cannot be fulfilled by the people or bring about their harm.
Anisah K.7/8 ACE

Anonymous said...

I think it's necessary for citizens to rebel against the government because they might make an outrageous decision to raise taxes way too much or make you pay tons of money in general. Citizens can respond to this and possibly change the laws or get rid of them. This is especially necessary when the place that's being taxed does not have a representative in the government branch. But I still understand that the government does need to take action but not in such a way for the citizens to start a war with them.
-Felipe Calderon 7/8 ACE

Anonymous said...

The only necessary time for citizens to rebel is when the government makes unfair rules without the peoples point of view. Just like the "Stamp Act" and the "Quartering Act" they both end up making the free citizens pay for things that they did not need to pay for. The people only decided to rebel after they ask for fairness and it was not given to them. That is the best time to rebel against the government because even after they asked without violence and there was no pitty for them. The rule was that they had to pay more taxes because the government felt like every one else got more money. So a very common word would be GREED.
-Adam Hanes

Eve Sarbanes 7/8 ACE said...

It's nesscary for the citizens to rebel against the government when something is unjust. For example big taxes are changes that they have no say in. This is not fair so they should be able to rebel and take a stand for what they believe in. --------eve Sarbanes

Anonymous said...

Theresa Tribeck

I believe that it is necessary for citizens to rebel against their government if their government is being unfair. Like the case with the stamp act, they were taxed with no say at all. In this case they had a right to rebel against their government.

Anonymous said...

James Hsia
7/8 ACE
It is necessary for citizens to rebel against their government when their government is being unfair, threatening their way of life, or doing something that they don't agree with. The colonist's government was taxing them even though they had no representation, which was unfair. The British government was doing something that the colonists disagreed with. The colonists rebelled, and they won.

saul font said...

Actually yes it is possible for citizens to rebel against their own government. Such as if laws are unfair and the people don't like the law then rebel. Also for example the stamp act, many people of the town notice they had to pay for paper without notice and they all agreed it was an unfair law/ well most of them at least, so it gave them a right to rebel against their government

Anonymous said...

Baby Jimerson
7/8 ACE

It is necessary when the citizens rebel against the government because they are being unfair to people by adding new laws and when rebelions stand up for them selves innocent people lives are threatened. The British government never discussed the new situations with the colony because of this the Colonist rebelled and they won.~~~~~ Baby Jimerson.

Anonymous said...

Zahra Siddiqui 1/22/15 7ACE
It's necessary for citizens to rebel against their government when the government is being unjust. The British government was being unjust when they started to tax the colonists unreasonably. Another reason it's necessary to rebel is when the government is unjust making laws and commanding ridiculous things from the citizens.

Dyaln Mezick said...

I think it is necessary for citizens to rebel against their government. I think this because for the stamp act and quartering act. Are free people are having to pay for people who can't themselves. That is why we should be able to rebel against our government.

Anonymous said...

Dylan Mezick 5-6ACE ^*

Brian Min 7/8ACE said...

Brian Min 7/8 ACE

It is neccesary to rebel when your country has crossed the line. When the goverment acts in tyranny, thats when you rebel. For example; when the goverment has raised taxes without any input from you, that's when you rebel. You rebel when the country has crossed the line.

Anonymous said...

Koby Bradshaw

It might be necessary for citizens to rebel against their government when they disagree with a law or tax. If they feel they are being treated unfairly. It is best if they do it peacefully.

Jered Monar said...

The government should be a representation of the people. Sometimes a government can think it is above the people and not see them as equals. When the government takes away the peoples liberties and threatens their freedom it can cause people to rebel. Oppressive governments which tax without consent or political representation can also cause a rebellion.

Aaliyah Krauss said...

when they do not have any consideration against the citizens or the people of the colony so you must take action an try to tell them to change there mind about the laws and stop taxing them so they will not become very poor.

Anonymous said...

i think it is nessery for us to rebal because when there are unfair laws and rules and we ourselves cant even have a say in it and i dont think that is fair for us rachel burkhardt 5-6 ace

Anonymous said...

Fiona Benn
7/8 ACE
It is necessary for the citizens to rebel against their government when the government makes laws and taxes without the citizens' consent. Some laws, like the Quartering Act and the Stamp Act cost a lot of money, money that the colonists didn't have. They were outraged. The colonial government had taxes approved by the citizens, and Britain took away. Britain took away their freedom to do what they wanted, which is why it was necessary for the citizens to rebel.

Anonymous said...

Kevin Gutoskey 7/8 ACE

I believe that it is only necessary to rebel against your government when it's to the point where they have changed the way you live durastically. I think it is necessary to rebel when the government has made laws and taxes that you don't agree to and they don't intend to change them. If a government repeatedly passes laws and taxes that are unfair to the citizens, such as the quartering act, I believe that it is then necessary to rebel.

Taylor Moss said...

It is necessary because they want equal rights and when no action is done they rebel to get attention and an opinion. Also because they want Independence and their voices to be heard if not then riots and protesting will occur. The Patriots just want FREEDOM!

Anonymous said...

It is nessissary for the people to rebel against their own government when they are doing something crazy or unfair to everyone that the decision affects

Jamie Curley
5/6 BDF

Unknown said...

It is nessicary when people start losing lives because this should not be happening if that government is trying to protect them,killing their own citizens for no reason is a sign of dictatorship which should not be respected in America.
~ Hannah Briggs 7/8 ACE

Anonymous said...

I think its neccesary to rebel against the government if theres something they believe is very unfair or just wrong.Also i believe everybody should be treated equally and if the government is failing to do that then the citizens should try to do something.

morgan larkin 7/8 ACE

Trevor P. said...

People need to rebel because there are no actions done for these dumb taxes and you just want to fight the British instead of being loyal and letting these taxes just sit their while the pay tons of stacks.Patriots on the other hand fight for freedom because it's necessary because these taxes must be stopped immediately!!!👎💰No more shall these dumb taxes stand!!!!!!

Trevor P. 5&6 ACE said...

Trevor Pusey 5&6 ACE ^*