Sunday, February 22, 2015

6th Grade/ Pyramid Design Challenge #1

It is 2580 B.C. You and your team have been hired by Pharaoh Khufu as one of several teams of royal engineers who will potentially build his pyramid. To test your engineering skills, Khufu has designed a challenge where your team will have to build a mini pyramid out of every-day materials. After your team has been provided the materials, and the time to build your pyramid you will answer a series of discussion questions. After you have answered these questions, please complete the following homework discussion question: 

Homework Discussion Post [Due by Friday, Feb. 27, 2015]:
What was the biggest challenge your group faced? Were you able to overcome it? If yes, how did you overcome it? Make sure to read and respond to each others posts.


Anonymous said...

My team had a problem with communicating with each other. we all thought we were thinking the same thing but we weren't. yes we started to talk to each other and we got right back on track. we overcame the project by just talking to each other.

3/4 ace mackenzie.w

Robin ryan said...

the hardest thing about my pyrmid was we only had two people and we didn't have enough time.