Sunday, February 22, 2015

7th Grade/ Declaration of Independence!

The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important documents in history. Many national independence movements have used the principles expressed in this document as a rationale for breaking free from tyrannical leaders. Many people have used the principles to underline the need for their own civil or human rights. In the next few class periods, you will use the Discovery Education Techbook to trace and summarize key events that resulted in the colonists’ decision to declare independence from Great Britain and explain how the Declaration of Independence outlines basic ideas about the purpose and responsibilities of government. By the end of the week, you should have a complete evaluation of your techbook experience (both from class, and from your own exploration at home), and completed the essential question below:

Homework Discussion Post [Due by Friday, Feb. 27, 2015]:
How does the Declaration of Independence reflect the colonist’s ideas about government?


Anonymous said...

They think that there government is stronger than the British government. The Declaration of Independence proves that the colonist have a stable government able to support anything.

Anonymous said...

The one with no name is Brandon Underwood's

Anonymous said...

The Declaration of Independence reflects the colonist's ideas about the government by having representation under the law and a jury of their peers. Also they had freedom to choose who represented them in Congress to make the laws. They wanted each man to have equal input into the government. That is how the colonist's ideas reflected on to the Declaration of Independence.

============ RJ Batts ============

Anonymous said...

The Declaration of Independence clearly tells the British government that the thirteen colonies do not want anything to do with them. They want to be free of tax and all other laws that they have gave.

-Evan Giordano
-7/8 ACE

Dylan Mezick 5-6ACE said...

The Declaration of Independence reflected on the colonist by show Britain that the colonies wanted to be free of all Britain rules,taxes,etc.

Anonymous said...

Koby Bradshaw

The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to separate the colonist from the British government.The colonist did not like the British government and wanted to form their own.

Anonymous said...

the other colonists didnt aprove of the british government and wanted to make their own governments and laws and what not.

Jamie Curley 5/6 ACE

saul font said...

Well the main purpose was so that the colonist's wouldn't have to work with the British government anymore. So good men tried to give them freedom so they can be alone and it succeeded.

Anonymous said...

James Hsia 3-2-15 7/8 BDF
The colonists' ideas about government include that all men are equal, though there has been much controversy about whether it means all people or just free men. It is stated in the second paragraph of the declaration of independence. Also, it reveals that they believed that all men had basic rights that shouldn't be taken away, such as life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Another idea that the colonists had was that the government gets power from the people to protect their citizens' rights. It states that when the government fails to do so, the citizens Have a right to, and should, change it or replace it. Because that those ideas were expressed in the declaration, it reflects what they believed in, right in the text.

Eve Sarbanes 7/8 ACE said...

One of the main reasons the colonists were so mad at the King George was because he didn't let them have a say in laws he just gave them laws that they had to follow. The Declaration of Independence clearly states that they were mad about this. They believed all "men" were equal and that they should be able to come up with their own government. They also make a list of all the thing Brittan did to them that was unfair. Including that they even tried to hurt the colonist hence the Lexington and Concord. They used all these reasons to explain why it was necessary for them to separate apart from England. They shared that they don't belong to England anymore and that they are going to do what they decide is best for the colony not what the King sees fit. Therefore it basically tells everyone exactly whats caused them to do this and why it is necessary by sharing all of their opinions. -----In addition to written response.

Adam Hanes said...

It makes them think that the government was very foolish and they think that they are way more fair. They also think that after the government has seen all the things that they did wrong they will start to regret what they did to make the colonist move. It also makes them remember how idiotic and selfish the government was. And doing this it might even make them remember about the things they did to rebel against great Britain and they might celebrate it. And now it makes them think that everything is going to be fair.

Unknown said...

Well, they state in a section of " The Declaration Of Independence" everything King George did that was wrong or cruel in ways they didn't like so they stated them as a way of saying like " Oh he did these things we didn't like them so we won't do these things." And I feel that means that in oldern America they didn't like tyranny and they were going to change that which we are still thankful for today.

Anonymous said...

The purpose for the declaration of Independence was to give freedom to the colonist. The colonist wanted to be free from Great Britain so they made it to declare their independence.

Amber Salada

Yousuf Al. said...

The declaration of independence reflect on the colonists ideas about government because they basically wrote about stuff that your not suppose to do. And they were really mad about how King George wouldn't let them have their freedom so they came up with their own rules so they can have their own colony and so on.

Anonymous said...

The Declaration of Independence reflects the colonist ideas about the government is that they want to have there own law. They didn't want to have a law and just wanted to have there own law.
Catisilvestre Perez 5-6 ACE

Anonymous said...

Zahra Siddiqui 3/4/15 4 ACE
The Declaration of Independence reflects the colonist's ideas about government by telling the British that they no longer want to be part of their empire and that they no longer want to be taxed or ruled and watched over by the them. Those idea's were also reflected during the war right after the signing of the Declaration of Independence

chloe lewis said...

It reflects ideas on goverment because it technallily is forming the goverment by saying the rules and how the goverment is going to work without a king incharge.

chloe lewis said...

It reflects ideas on goverment because it technallily is forming the goverment by saying the rules and how the goverment is going to work without a king incharge.

Chloe lewis

Anonymous said...

Trate Underwood 7-8 ACE
The Declaration of Independence says how the colonies are becoming separate from Great Britain. It also says that all men shall be free and treated equal. It also says that if people don't agree with the government that they can start a new but they have to have a reason.

Taylor Moss said...

If the Declaration of Independence makes a big impact on the Goverments decisions then the rebelling was worth all the fighting and they would have fulfilled their independence.

jered monar said...

Many colonists believed that the British suppressed political, economic, and religious freedoms. The Declaration of Independence represented the colonist view of the government. They wanted the government to be created for the people and by the people. They believed in no taxation without representation. They also believed in the freedom of religion. The colonists wanted their rights to be secured. These rights are the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Anonymous said...

Kevin Gutoskey
7/8 ACE
The Declaration of Independence was written as a document declaring freedom from the Great Britain. Along with this important message, they included that all men shall be treated equal, they fully disagree with all of the actions of King George, and a list of everything that King George and Great Britain did wrong (as a reminder of what they left and what they don't want to turn into). This document also includes the signatures of multiple men that represent and agree with everything enclosed in the document. The Declaration very outwardly expresses how much the colonists disagree with Great Britain's words and actions.

Anonymous said...

Brian Min 7/8 ACE

The Declaration of Independence reflects the colonists dream to be free of Britain. It declares independence for Great Britain. It also says that it is too late to apologize. They say that all men are equal and should me treated equal. They believe that tyranny is unacceptable so they use the Declaration of independence to tell them that. They wanted a democracy so they declared it.They wanted the right to religious, political, and economic freedoms. The declaration reflected the ideas of wanting to have a new goverment where everything was equal.

Anonymous said...

Anna Long
7/8 ACE
The Declaration of Independence was a written example of all the solutions to problems that the colonists thought British government didn't bother to solve or react fairly to. It states that all men are created equal and should be treated with the same respect as anyone else. The colonists, whether part of the government or not, believed in all men having a say in what was best for the country.

Anonymous said...

Emma Murphy 7/8 ACE
The Declaration of Independence reflects the colonists ideas of government because they explain all of them in the document. For example, some of their ideas about government are, people shouldn't move away from a government without having explained why and they should have lots of reasoning behind why. They also thought that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights. Finally another thing that they thought was that their leader shouldn't be a tyrant and that's what King George was turning into.

Trevor Pusey said...

The colonists viewed individual freedom as a very important part of government.

Anonymous said...

they thought the goverment should be equal and have a peaceful way to deal with things so they wrote a declaraction to say that they are free and why they broke away.They understood you cant break away from a country because you want to so in the declaration they stated why they need to break away they did it peaceful with reason.
Ambrozia howard

Anonymous said...

everyone should be treated equally

Anonymous said...

The declaration of independence clearly states what there feeling. They think everyone should be treated equally.

Morgan Larkin
7/8 ACE

Anonymous said...

The declaration of independence shows that the Americans want to have a democracy where the people decide. They want to have independence from Great Britain.

Anonymous said...

Last one was nick hogans

Aaliyah Krauss said...

The colonist did not want to be governed by Great Britain because they would oppose certain freedoms like bearing arms and freedom of speech. The colonist believed each person needed and deserved more freedoms and it was them who had to fight for the future of America.