Thursday, February 12, 2015

7th Grade/ Written Account!

Using your written observations, write an account of the Boston Massacre using only what you see in the image.


Anonymous said...

I see the Patriots and the Loyalists fighting and there is smoke everywhere and thre is a african american getting shot in the neck.It shows alot of people deAD AND THEIR MOSTLY ALL THE PATRIOTS.

Anonymous said...

In the Boston Massacre there was a riot because of taxes, so British troops took fire at the innocent Patriots.

Taylor said...

I saw lots of blood splatter and people on the ground those brief moments haunt me still. It started with the patriots throwing sticks and stones at the soldiers, they tried to compromise but failed. It soon led to the death of Edward Chrisbus. That encouraged the other fellow patriots to fight on until they were heard. But that decision only led to more destruction.

Anonymous said...

First they meet and they all lined up facing each other. The Americans had rocks and sticks and they were hitting the British. Then the British broke fire and killed five Americans. The first to go down was a black man.

Anonymous said...

The red coats were attacking the British and Colonist and they were killing everything and everyone in sight. And all the guns being shot caused smoke to go everywhere

Anonymous said...

There were the red jackets and the blur jackets. Then they started to argue about the laws and fairness. Then the red jackets stared to fire there guns and shot at the blue jackets. Then the guns stop and smoked fired and then some of the blue jackets lied dead....

Anonymous said...

These redcoats were firing at people and there was a lot of bloodshed. Also there was so much smoke that no one could see. Then the ones in the redcoats seemed to win with there guns.

Anonymous said...

Based on the pictures, you could predict that the freeman in the front was the first one to get killed. Then secondly the redcoats whooped the patriots. then it all ended up with the redcoats winning and there was patriots on the ground so was the neutrulist

Anonymous said...

The Patriots are attacking the British soldiers. The soldiers started shooting there rifles at the Patriots only armed with clubs. Few lay dead and few wounded. The soldiers are holding there ground.

Anonymous said...

First, patriots rebelled against the king. Second, the patriots got tired of paying taxes for tea they don't drink, so they dumped it in the Boston Harbor. Third, The british killed some patriots when all they were armed with were STICKES AND STONES

Anonymous said...

from what I see, the British soldiers are shooting the patriots and the patriots have no weapons except a few sticks and pitch forks. From what I see, I feel like the British killed mostly all the patriots.

Anonymous said...

I think what happen is that the people stared talking and then it stared to get really made at each other and stared to fight. What I think was that they were fighting about freedom and there rights. There is a lot of smoke and weapons that are being use to fight.

Adam said...

-Adam And Rachel

It all started when we heard the first gunshot and one guy dead. We all looked to see what was going on. It looked like a slaughtering. Every red coat with a gun was shooting and killing. They finally stopped when they killed enough people. It was a horrifying picture.

Anonymous said...

many people have different perspectivs

Anonymous said...

First the patriots throw rocks and sticks at the red coats. Then the red coats fired. There was blood everywhere. A lot of people died.

Anonymous said...

I saw the red coats and the colonist got in an argument . They're was so much death and spilling of blood that wasn't nescary .

cameran and saul said...

The red coats attacked the man in the blue. Formation ally like they had it planned. Also I think that the blue coats wasn't ready, because most of them are getting beat up and they are on the floor

camoran and saul said...

Forgot to add period sorry (.)

Anonymous said...

This is an aweful, kind of scary picture. All the men in coats/suits are killing people that aren't in suits. There were many people dead and many suited men still killing. After they decided they were done there were many many people dead.

Anonymous said...

7-8 ACE
It looks like Red Coats that were directed to shoot and gun down poor innocent colonist that are falling dead even though they didn't do anything.

Anonymous said...

A big battle has broken out between the patriots and the soldiers. The majority are soldiers firing guns at the patriots and the patriots are holding clubs hitting the soldiers. A black man is shot and killed.
7-8 ACE

Anonymous said...

What I see is that there are a bunch of people in redcoats firing into a crowd that show no signs of weapons. I also see this taken place in front of the old state house in Boston MA

Anonymous said...

7/8 ACE
The Patriots were surrounded by the British (redcoats). Most of the crowd got blocked by gunpwder smoke. One African-American man got shot front and center. The Patriots in the middle had clubs while the redcoats surrounding them had guns. Several people lay on the ground dead or dying mostly Patriots but also one redcoat.

Anonymous said...

In the picture of the Boston Massacre, I see one side (all in red uniforms) shooting at another side of people. There is a lot of smoke and fallen bodies on the side not shooting. The side with the uniforms are the only ones with guns. The picture is set in in a town, as portrayed by the many buildings.

Anonymous said...

I see blood flying everywhere from my upstairs window. Its ugly...real ugly I'm just glad no one I know is down there because a lot of people who aren't in red coats are falling to the ground blood stained everywhere its a horrible sight to see through a child's eyes.
~ 7/8 BDF

Anonymous said...

2/12/15 7ACE
In broad daylight British soldiers are shooting multiple citizens (who are probably patriots) through clouds of gunpowder smoke. They are in front of a church and the citizens have clubs and heavy stones and they are coming viciously at the British soldiers. There was also an African-American man who was shot down and killed first.

Anonymous said...

Period 7/8 ACE 2/12/15
I saw the patriots, led by an African American man, gathered in a mob armed with clubs, attacked the "redcoats." The soldiers fired back, with or without permission from their commander. It was hard to see with all that smoke. Several people died. That is what I saw.
-random colonist

Anonymous said...

at this event the patriots are attacking the british soldiers with clubs rocks and even ice balls. one of the soldiers shot in "self defense" and ended up killings someone and some other shots were fired and ended up killing more people.

Anonymous said...

7/8 ACE
in the image of the boston massacure what i observed was lots of fighting. to bedescriptive there was men wearing red coats and some wearing blue coats it was like a war.the setting seemed to be in the middle of town the background was buildings and there were some people in the background.there were different weapons used during the fight so it wasnt just guns.and in coclusion i can infer that its was the loyalist and the british soldiers.

Baby jimerson 7/8

7/8 ACE said...

What I see is a bunch of men in white leggings with rustic colored jackets on. They have cloths around their necks and white hair. They seem to be in the middle of a town in what seems to be in front of a church or a building of importance. They are all fighting and the few that aren't in these rustic colored jackets have redcoats on. They seem to be fighting the rustic colored jackets. They have weapons such as swords, guns, and spears. Many people have fallen to the ground wounded or dead. The guns are causing smoke and the whole scene is a rucus. Its a very gloomy scene. Its very sad and many people are getting hurt. That's what seems to be occurring.

Anonymous said...

I see in this image the redcoats laying fire on the civilians who hold sticks and snow striking back. I see a ton of smoke meaning that there was more than just a few bullets fired on the scene.

7/8 ACE

Anonymous said...

7/8 ACE

It all happened so fast. One man made the influence. One man made it all happen. The colonists moved through the streets and soldiers were called in to defend. Then, that one man made his impact. The redcoat shot a colonist and the others began to shoot. Gun smoke was everywhere. Citizens dead as a result of the Boston Massacre.

Anonymous said...

The British soldiers are on one side of the street. The colonists are on the other. The British soldiers appear to be shooting at innocent people. You can see the smoke encompassing them. It shows how many and how fast they are shooting. The colonists are falling after being injured from gun shot wounds. Two of the uninjured are helping up one of their fallen comrade.

Anonymous said...

there were a bunch of redcoats firing at patriots after they were throwing rocks at them. five patriots were killed. I AM NOT A ROBOT!

Roxanne C said...

In the image given we have men with red coats and men with regular clothing. The men with red coats have guns and have an advantage because they are more numerous in number. The men are less powerful with the regular clothing because they had clubs instead of guns. This is a big battle that is a unfair situation.
7/8 ACE

Anonymous said...

The patriots (one black dude and rest white) are walking down the road and two of them have clubs and a thousand British soldiers(werein red and tights and these wigs cause they have lice) come out and shoot the crap out of them. there a dead black dude on the ground. The rest of the patriots are tryin to defend then selfes and are getting killed There is smoke and dust every where and these ladies are on the balcony watching and most likely drinking tea and scones.

Anonymous said...

The battle was horrible. Some people might even call it a massacre, the Boston Massacre. there was a lot of yelling and arguing but then a shot rang through the air. An African American lay dead on the ground. After that it was total chaos. It was red against blue, patriots against loyalists, and freedom against communism. Many were wounded, some lay dead. Patriots were outnumbered against loyalists. What will happen....

7-8 ACE

Anonymous said...

William parsons 7/8
British soldiers open fire on colonist causing no harm.

Anonymous said...

I see a bunch of red coats who shot 5 colonists. I also see fighting in the town behind buildings and there is a lot of gun smoke, screaming and blood shed. it is like a mini war. Ben rodman typed this!