Wednesday, April 29, 2015

8th Grade/ Castle!

Homework Response Question:
What was the purpose of the Castle in the Middle Ages? Was it to show wealth, to protect the King, or was it simply a living space? Defend your opinion with evidence.

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Anonymous said...

The purpose for the castles in the middleages was to protect the king. I think the castle was to protect the king because they designed the castles in a way so that they can have plans if they need to protect themselves and the kings.

DeAsia Bennefield

Anonymous said...

I believe that the purpose of the castles were to show wealth but also to protect the king. The castles would have slots where archers could shoot bow and arrows and could not be shot at very easily.

Anonymous said...

at 4:02 that was John maguire

Anonymous said...

The purpose of the castle in the middle ages were to protect the king or queen and also for wealth. Also it was used for ammunition so they could shoot from the watch towers so they can defend their castle. Robert Stuetz
5/6 BDF

Anonymous said...

the purpose of castles was dependent of were it was,why it was built, and for who it was build for example many English castles were built to house monarchs more so than for defense. while German and Austrian castles showed power in military strength and were nearly immune to an invasion unless the invader had huge amounts of men and weaponry throw through at it. Russian castles housed some of the worlds most beautiful paintings and housed monarchs and even a few emperors and flaunted the wealth and beauty of Russia. many other castles do many other things but frankly the most important thing behind most large castles is to protect the country and form formidable fortresses worthy of even the strongest fighting forces however most castles never reached this point in power with more and more guns able to take the wall that took years to build down in just a day or even hours caused the outdating of them though some are still used the lost all purpose but the flaunting of luxury and wealth of the past. ~alexander,Patterson 7/8 B.D.F

Anonymous said...

The castles in the middle ages were used for protection from outsiders, but also to show how wealthy they are and the king and the queen mostly lived inside the castles. The commoners would live in little houses in towns. There would be knights and soldiers outside the castle to look out for any intruders and to also protect the king and queens from dangers.
JinJoo Lee ~ BDF 7,8

Unknown said...

I think castles are like giant armor and were made to look like a richly kingdom but also to use to destroy any invaders

Anonymous said...

I believe that the purpose of the Castle in the Middle Ages was to protect the king. The building was complex so that it would be harder to get to the king. Also, it was used to show off wealth, which could have kind of backfired on the part where its purpose to hide and protect the king.
Abdullah Siddiqui period 7/8 BDF

Anonymous said...

There were many reasons to building a castle. For instance, the castle could show wealth, protect the king, or simply be a living space. The main purpose for the castle and why it was built is because the building was so strong and so secure, that it was used for refuge during an attack. This large building was to protect the people and protect important figures such as the king. The castle had many additions so that the guards could protect the citizens within the building and also be safe from the attack themselves. With all this being said, the purpose for building a castle in the middle ages was to help during wars and invasions.
Hannah Burchard
7/8 BDF

Anonymous said...

There were many reasons to building a reason for them is it could show wealth, protect the king, or be a living space. The main purpose for the castle is to serve as a protection against enemy attacks. The castle can protect the higher level people like the king. The walls of a castle is strong and secure. It would take longer for an enemy to destroy the castle. The castle can be used to shoot arrows and use weapons from a high area.

Maryam Alnaseri
5/6 bdf

Anonymous said...

There purpose for castles were all the above. The bigger the castle the more living space for a king and his knights and servants. The castles the bigger the more they were used for protection for the king and the more one king could rub in another kings face.
Christine Cooper
5-6 bdf

Anonymous said...

The castles purpose was to house and protect the king. The king was more concerned with his safety and luxury, so he had a very large and awesome castle.

Sarah Runge
7/8 BDF

Anonymous said...

Mircole Lacson 7/8BDF
I believe that the castle was for protection. Also, because it's a king who is living there, of course it's gonna be big to show that the the king is rich and will be able to protect the kingdom. There was many ways of protection for the castle to protect the king and the royal family too. So I believe that the castle was to show off the wealthiness and to protect the king.

Anonymous said...

Dylan Bennish
I think a castle was meant for a place for the king to live. If people attacked the castle they attacked it for a reason, so that's why i think it's not wealth. It could be a living space but it makes sense that it was a place for the king because it was guarded and had bowmen ready for an attack.

Anonymous said...

Saige Oechsli
PD.7/8 BDF

Castles are more so used as a defense, and to protect the king. A castle is a one of a kingdom's strongest defenses, as it is indeed made of solid stone. It would be very difficult for a human army with small swords and puny arrows to attack a king located within three foot thick stone walls. Even catapults had difficulty penetrating the towering structures. Yes, a castle would indeed be a fine place for defending a king.

Anonymous said...

Sayuri Velazco
Pd: 7/8 BDF

The sole purpose for a castle in the medieval ages was to protect the king. The king was very important to them because they were like the modern day president. Just like in the modern day we protect our president. The castle was designed in such a way that it would be very difficult to penetrate the walls. So, a castle in medieval times was solely used for protecting the king.

Anonymous said...

The purpose of the castle was many things but mostly to show power throughout the kingdom and maybe ensure the civilians that they were safe. It was also the "brain" of the kingdom so everything important happened there. Having a big strong castle ensured power and it was kind of a status thing. Such as some very wealthy nobles chose to build castles as well.

Marilyn Chen 7/8BDF

Anonymous said...

Kade Johnson BDF 5/6

The purpose of a castle in the middle ages was to protect the king. This was the purpose because the king was in charge of the whole civilization, so if he dies, no one knows what to do.

Unknown said...

I believe the purpose of the castle in the middle ages was to be a very defensive living space. The King and all of his men would live in the castle, but they would also want to have that feeling of security. So to do that, they had stone walls, archer windows, and defensive catapults. So the purpose of a castle in the middle ages was really to be a very protective house.

Laila Libertin 7/8 BDF said...

I believe that the purpose of the castle in the middle ages was to protect the king because some of the components of the castle was for defense. For example some castles had arrow holes and others may have had high towers. There was plenty more. I believe it was more for defense. Although the king might have wanted his castle to look good to show that he had power and that whoever he was in war with him would have to know that.

Anonymous said...

The purpose if the castle in the middle ages was to serve as a defense and most importantly to protect the king. If the king dies the whole empire with diminish and fall.
Robert Stuetz
5/6 BDF

Anonymous said...

The purpose of a castle was for a couple things. For defense. And most importantly to defend the king. If the king was to die. Then everything dies.
Tyler Dodd
7-8 bdf

Anonymous said...

I believe that castles were used to show wealth and defend. All castles were fancy with tall towers a wide gate and furnishings. And castles were designed with towers and gates to defend against attack.

Anonymous said...

Destin Ames that was mine.

Anonymous said...

I believe that castles were to show the kings wealth, a living place, and for protection because they made them look nice to show how wealthy the king was. Plus they always were in it protected. Finally they lived in there.Overall i think it was a bit of all three

-Haris Amir 5-6 BDF