Monday, May 11, 2015

6th Grade/ Block Printing!

Homework Response Post [Due Friday, 5/15/15]:
How does wood block printing compare to other methods of communication?


Anonymous said...

it changed the way china wrote books and papers.

Justin King

Nadgie Libertin said...

It's faster and better and I agree with justin king.

Anonymous said...

wood block printing compared to Clay tablets. You can only use a clay tablet once because the clay drys but with wood block printing you can use the block over and over again.

wood block printing compared to cave painting. If you mess up on the cave painting you have to restart in a new clean spot while for wood block printing if you mess up on the printing all you have to do is get a new sheet of paper.

wood block printing compared to the paper Egyptians made. The paper could tare easily and takes a long time to make while wood block printing took only a little time to make one and it cant tare.

By: Taylor mero 3/4 ace

Anonymous said...

Block printing is easier than some old ways they had to use it is faster and more time convenyent

mackenzie.w 3/4 ace

Unknown said...

Block printing is faster and easier. Also it changed the way people in China wrote books, papers, anything you can write or publish.

Aayana Horsey