Sunday, October 12, 2014

7th Grade/ Human Needs!

Having enough food and meeting nutritional requirements while traveling has always been a problem for explorers. In 1607, for example, the Godspeed, the Discovery, and the Susan Constant journeyed with 104 settlers for nearly five months on a voyage from England to Virginia.  Food and water were carried with the travelers. Limited space and lack of preservation techniques reduced the types of food that could be carried. Early explorers dried and stored food in cool places. They also used sealed containers. In class, we are investigating human needs in order to analyze how humans adapt to new environments such as Jamestown and modern explorations such as the Moon. Students should be able to answer the following essential questions in detail as a result: how do people adapt to new environments, and how will basic needs be met in new worlds?

Homework Response Questions [Due by Friday, 10/24/14]:
How do people adapt to new environments, and how will basic needs be met in new worlds?


Anonymous said...

Brandon Underwood 5/6 ACE
Once people are in one climate for along time they get used to it. In new worlds basic needs are met by bringing proper supplies and things you needs.

Anonymous said...

To adapt to new and different environments then you are used to it takes time. Hence if you moved to Florida after living in Alaska you will need time to get used to the warm temperatures and no snow. People also may have to speak the language the environment (people) around you speak. For basic needs you need to go or take things were you originally came from to begin with. So now hence this answer this is how you would adapt to the culture.
-Adam Hanes

Eve Sarbanes 7/8 ACE said...

Adapting to new worlds and places can take time. You need to adapt to the climate of the area the location. Sometimes what type of food and water you drink can help you adapt. Other times there are already people there and those people you must learn to cope with in order to survive. Sometimes when you cope with them it will help you reach your basic needs.For example if they already have ways of getting fresh water and food they might share there ways with you and this will help you with food and water. Also they can trade with you for new weapons and materials to start building your fort. So a lot goes into this and you can't be stubborn or selfish to be able to adapt and meet basic needs in new climates.

Anonymous said...

Once some one has lived in a hot or cold enviornment for a long time, they are apparently going to get used to it. The basic needs are usually met by (if you have traveled a long distance...such as the Jamestown settlers,) bringing the nessisary supplies to make sure the people are able to live off of the supplies.

-Jamie Curley 5/6 ACE

Anonymous said...

Zahra Siddiqui 10-14-14 7/8 ACE
People adapt to new environments sometimes very easily and other times difficultly. Most people like to explore the new environment before they can get used to it. They would usually check if the land has enough resources to build a shelter on and provide enough food and water. Those who can't find the vital necessities to survive have difficulty adapting to the new environment.

Jered Monar said...

Humans are very good at adapting to new environments. Our intelligence allows us to get used to different climates and cultures then what we are familiar with. Humans can change their habits, cultural practices and also create new technologies to help them adjust to changes in a new environment. Over long periods of time humans can change genetically as well through evolution. These are all types of adaptation methods that humans use to help them obtain the basic needs to survive in new worlds.

Anonymous said...

Humans must adapt to new environments. Your mind and body slowly get used to the new things and differences in your daily life. Basic needs in new worlds are met by using the things found in your environment and supplies you brought with you to the new world to meet your basic needs (food, water, shelter, etc.).

-Anisah Khattak 7/8 ACE

Aaliyah krauss said...

People adapt by wearing cloths to fit the environment and the plantation for crop growth and build shelters to fit to the climate weather. people will find so way to have food water and shelter in or on new worlds they can be met by finding items and using them for shelter like sticks leaves and ect.

Anonymous said...

Jamison Harbinson 5/6 ACE
People adapt to new environment with the most important/critical things needed to survive. The often wear cloths depending on the climate and temperature is. They may also bring CLEAN water because that's one of the most important things needed to survive. Basic needs in the new world were somewhat easy to find and other things would be harder such as finding clean water. They had a bunch of salt water around them so it would be very hard to find fresh water. Easy things such as air was all around them... literally. And don't forget about food. Food was in the middle of easy and hard. The colonist would often tried to trade valuables for food with the Indians. Or they could go out and hunt. So that's how basic needs would be met in the "new world".

Anonymous said...

Human beings have certain basic needs. We must have food, water, air, and shelter to survive. If any one of these basic needs is not met, then humans cannot survive. Before past explorers set off to find new lands and conquer new worlds, they had to make sure that their basic needs were met.Supplies of food and water were brought on
the journey or were gathered along the way. Shelter, such as a tent, was either carried
or built to protect explorers from the weather or other dangers.
Basic human needs have not changed much since the 17th century.

- Yousuf Alnaseri

Dylan Mezick 5-6ACE said...

It is a very hard thing to adapt and change to a new world. Some of the hardest thins to adapt to are food, water, climate, and lifestyle. If you want to adapt to water, things you'll have to do is drink it a lot and find it how the taste is. To adapt to food you will have to eat it to get used to it but you might get sick because you aren't used to it. To get used to the climate you'll have to check the weather a lot. Last but not least the lifestyle, this is the hardest thing to adapt to, you have to learn what they wear, religions, etc.. That is how the basic needs are met for a new world.
-Dylan Mezick 5-6 ACE

Anonymous said...

people adapt to new environments by being there for a while and doing the same thing everyday in the same climate. basic needs will be met in new worlds by having proper materials.

-morgan larkin 7/8 ace

taylor moss said...

Humans are very good at adapting to new enviroments . They first have to start ith getting used to climate and location then you. Which isn't easy so pick the right place. Also you need to get used to the plant and animal life your enviroment is closed , it will benefit you because what you et and drink is essential. Another thing is if you are able to endure these tough challenges for survival then that might help you when adapting to a new surrounding. An example is if you move to a place with little fresh wqter but lots of salt water you have to endure it because of the new surrounding you are in. So a lot of time and effort has to be put into finding a nw enviroment or place to stay.

Anonymous said...

Anna Long
7/8 ACE

When you adapt to a new environment, you are changing the way you live. One thing that changes is your diet. You have to eat what is available at your location. For example, if you live near the water, your diet may consist of fish or shellfish. Also, your homes may be different. You will need to adapt to what materials are available to you. Some examples of materials are clay and rock. Finally, you need to adapt to the weather. You need to know what grows on the land. For example, in some places of the world, certain foods are able to grow when others cannot.

Anonymous said...

Anna Long
7/8 ACE

When you adapt to a new environment, you are changing the way you live. One thing that changes is your diet. You have to eat what is available at your location. For example, if you live near the water, your diet may consist of fish or shellfish. Also, your homes may be different. You will need to adapt to what materials are available to you. Some examples of materials are clay and rock. Finally, you need to adapt to the weather. You need to know what grows on the land. For example, in some places of the world, certain foods are able to grow when others cannot.

Anonymous said...

The hunters and gathers have to bring there hunting and gathering skills and equipment to kill animals. Also the food would change like the meat you eat or the greens you eat based on the new environment.

-RJ Batts

Anonymous said...

People will adapt in new environments by prioritizing their basic needs. Many settlers choose to live near water. This will give them food and the ability to grow crops.

Koby Bradshaw 5/6 ACE

Anonymous said...

When people stay for too long in a place they get use to the weather and adapt.When people go places the climate will be different and they will have to adapt to the new weather by using proper clothes and shoes. Cati Silvestre Perez 5-6 ACE

Anonymous said...

we adapt by are bodies getting used to are surrounding and by the amount of food we have for a amount of time and our bodies ajusted and get used to what we. we adapt to weather by clothes we wear and shoes.
Ambrozia Howard

Trev Pusey said...

Adapting to a new place can be hard because once you blend in to the climate a little then you'll feel like you'll never want to leave that certain place.Also you will probably need to find a water source(river,lake🌊).People with have to adapt to the temperature because if they don't they will not fell comfortable.

Saul Font said...

Well, In order to adapt to new worlds around you is pretty simple. All you need to do is discover your surroundings such as the animals around you and the type of food and water you try around you. Also adapting to the heat is another thing you have to know what and where to plant. All you really need to do is be in your climate for a little longer and you'll basically be adapting to a new climate/world.

Anonymous said...

Eve Sarbanes 7/8 ACE said...
Adapting to new worlds and places can take time. You need to adapt to the climate of the area the location. Sometimes what type of food and water you drink can help you adapt. Other times there are already people there and those people you must learn to cope with in order to survive. Sometimes when you cope with them it will help you reach your basic needs.For example if they already have ways of getting fresh water and food they might share there ways with you and this will help you with food and water. Also they can trade with you for new weapons and materials to start building your fort. So a lot goes into this and you can't be stubborn or selfish to be able to adapt and meet basic needs in new climates.

October 14, 2014 at 6:14 PM

Anonymous said...

Eve Sarbanes 7/8 ACE said...
Adapting to new worlds and places can take time. You need to adapt to the climate of the area the location. Sometimes what type of food and water you drink can help you adapt. Other times there are already people there and those people you must learn to cope with in order to survive. Sometimes when you cope with them it will help you reach your basic needs.For example if they already have ways of getting fresh water and food they might share there ways with you and this will help you with food and water. Also they can trade with you for new weapons and materials to start building your fort. So a lot goes into this and you can't be stubborn or selfish to be able to adapt and meet basic needs in new climates.

October 14, 2014 at 6:14 PM

Unknown said...

Well if you move to a new environment you will have to eat food depending on that environment or location for example if you chose a beautiful scenic view of the river you will have to live off of fish and other creatures you may cross paths with, if you were to find yourself in a forest you would probably feed off of roots edible flowers berries and any other creatures you may cross paths with.Another thing they have to think about is weather like every morning when i wake u first thing i do is check the weather to plan my outfit for example if i read the high is 60 and the low is 43 i will wear jeans a long sleeved shirt and some uggs, but if i read the temperature is going to be high of 90 and low of 76 im going to wear a t-shirt shorts and flipflops. These are 2 things people have to adapt to when moving to different locations and environments.

Brian Min said...

Brian Min 7/8 ACE

How people adapt to new
enviroment is very simple. Once they come to an enviroment, they start to learn how to find shelter there, how to catch food, and how to find fresh sources of water.But here are very hard things to adapt to.One is the climate, a lought of people might die of coldness or dehydration. Another thing is to cope with all the predators or they might eat you.

Anonymous said...

James Hsia
People adapt to new environments by having new ways to preserve food and water. In space missions, food only needs to be heated and/or add water. Also, people make new shelters. At Jamestown, they used a palisade and named if James fort, to protect themselves. They will also need new lifestyles. At space, muscle can be weakened due to no exercise. So, astronauts and scientists need to exercise a lot. On new worlds, people will build houses that can withstand cold temperatures, and use ice at polar ice caps for water.

Unknown said...

They adapt to new enironments by finding the requirements and meating those.Then they will bring seeds for plant growth and some water to start them out. By adapting to there new enviroment they will learn different weather condtions and how differrent soils are used. Then they will bring som useful things to bild a house and some things to start to cut trees so they can make wood. Then they could bring tree seed and plant those when they cut a tree down and that is how they can\will adapt to there new enviorment.

Anonymous said...

Kevin Gutoskey 7/8 ACE
When people settle in a new place, in modern or ancient times, they have to get used to their surroundings. They adapt by learning how to do things in a certain way and repeating the process so they know what to do to survive there. You can adapt by learning how to track and hunt for food and finding out what you should and shouldn't eat. You also have to find out how to get freshwater and where to take it from. You also have to adapt to the location and weather/climate. You need to find fertile soil, prepare for extreme heat and/or coldness, and weather and storms. Basic needs can be met in new worlds by finding freshwater, sources of food, resources, and shelter. Resources can be brought to the new laand or found. Also, strageties and custooms could be learned from other people in the area.

Anonymous said...

People could adapt to new environment by taking advantage of the resources there or taking little at a time or even by saving it. The explorers could possibly plant seeds in the new world's rich soil. They could easily adapt with there materials from the old world. P.S. Sorry I Am Late And Also Tried To Send This Earlier But Didn't Go Through.

-Evan Giordano 7/8 ACE

Anonymous said...

People can adapt to new enviornments by two ways. One is by using resources from that new area until you get use to it. Second way is by taking things you already use and know and impliment them in that new land

Felipe Calderon 7/8 ACE

Anonymous said...

Emma Murphy 7/8 ACE
People adapt to new environments in lots of ways. One way is to be in a certain place for long enough that you get used to it. Another way is to get help from people who already live there like Indians. You could also go to wherever your new environment is, see what you need, go back to where you came from, and bring new supplies back to the new environment. Basic needs will be met in new worlds by either using the land to grow crops and finding a river or creek for drinking water or by bringing supplies with you to the new world.