Sunday, October 12, 2014

8th Grade/ Amazon!

Since ancient times, groups of people have utilized their environment and resources to best suit their needs and often times dealt with conflict amongst themselves. The ancient Mayans, for example, cleared the rainforests, used slash and burn agriculture, and hunted animals. We now shift to a nearby rainforest, the Amazon! Just as you had different ideas about how to best use the new land for your simulated community and the Mayans for theirs, groups who live and work in the Amazon rainforest have different ideas about how to best use its land and resources, even today. These differing ideas often lead to conflict among the groups. During our investigation, you will learn about the different groups, how they want to use or preserve the rainforest’s resources, and why they believe their ideas are justified. You will investigate and propose possible solutions to land use conflict in the Amazon rainforest.

Homework Response Question ]Due by Friday, 10/24/14]:
How should the resources of rainforests be used and preserved? 


Anonymous said...

I believe that the resources of the rainforest should be kept untouched unless you really need it. We should protect it and save it for the animals. If we use all the resources we could be left with nothing and we wouldn't have enough to make things with the wood. We build a lot with wood and if we dont be careful about how much we use then we might not be able to build things again.
JinJoo Lee~ BDF 7,8

Anonymous said...

Julianna Sterling
I believe the rainforest and its resources should be used by the cattle ranchers. The cattle ranchers can provide food for the world and make a large profit to help Brazil with its debt. Cattle ranchers use the rainforest by using already cleared land to provide large areas for their cows to graze

Anonymous said...

The rainforest should be preserved and used in certain ways. They should preserve it because of the natural beauties and animals that live in there. When people visit the rainforest, they will probably mess it up somehow, and find it as a place to make space. If you did use the rainforest for resources, it would probably be trees and other plants and animals. It should be that there is a limited amount of things you can collect from the land. If it doesn't, people would ruin the rainforest. This is what should happen to preserve and use the rainforest.
-Emily Hanes

Unknown said...

I believe that the resources should be used percisley and carefully because if we is too much of it we will have nothing in order to survive and the animals will have nowhere to live. We we keep track of the among of wood we cut down the maintain a balance for us and the animals. These ways are mostly used in the natives because the natives never took more than what they needed,with this they barley even damage the forest unlike us.

Anonymous said...

The resources of the rain forest should be used in a careful way.I think that we should use some of it for buildings and making a profit, and the rest we should preserve just in case we need it in the future. The Cattle ranchers had a good way of preserving the rain forest and they used the resources wisely.They used the already cleared land to provide food. They would also make money out of it. They wouldn't damage it.

Maryam alnaseri
5/6 BDF

Anonymous said...

The rainforest should be used by the environmentalists because they don't harm the rainforest, but at the same time, use its resources to make medicines for diseases and other things. This means that they will please the people who want the rainforest preserved, and yet, please the people who want to put the rainforest' resources to use. This is why the best solution would be to let the environmentalists use the rainforest.
Hannah Burchard

Anonymous said...

The resources of the rainforests should be used and preserved by not harming them in any way. Trees should not be cut down because that action would kill the rainforests. Animals that live in the rainforest shouldn't be killed or harmed because they also help preserve the rainforests. People shouldn't remove water or litter around the lakes/ponds because this can also kill the rainforest. The rainforests should be left alone, so that these ecosystems remain amazing and beautiful.

Rachel Arion 5/6 BDF

Unknown said...

Destin Ames 7/8BDF
The rain forest should be used by cattle ranchers native amazonians and environmentalist. all three do little to harm the forest. the cattle rancher use the land that is already cleared. and the amazonians want to stick to their traditions of living in the forest. and the environmentalist reasearch for plants and animals.

Anonymous said...

The resources of rainforests should be used by cattle ranchers and environmentalists. The cattle ranchers can grow crops necessary for trade, but they should have to use the outskirts of the Amazon in order to preserve the mainlands. Environmentalists on the other hand could research ways to use the rest of the Amazon's resources in a conservative way. They also would be able to better the cattle ranches by finding out what destroys the crops that are being grown. Abdullah Siddiqui

Anonymous said...

Dylan Bennish
I think that the resources of the rainforest should be used to find cures for sicknesses and diseases (Enviromentalists). This is the best way to use the resources because that way we can use the rain forest for something without hurting it and finding cures to help people out. If not them I would think we should use the resources for wood and paper (Loggers).

Anonymous said...

I think the resources of the rain forest should be used by not cutting down tress because they could be used for shelter. Animals shouldn't be harmed either because they help preserve the rain forest. They also shouldn't litter because that can harm the rain forest.

5/6 BDF

Unknown said...

I believe that the resources of the rain forest should only be used for important reasons and if you have something like the Native Amazonians need. The reason I believe they should be used for special occasions only is because they may want to study a medicine or find a new cure for the recent outbreak like Ebola.

Anonymous said...

Makayla Joseph
5/6 BDF
The resources of the rain forest should be used in very careful ways.I think that we should use some of it for a national park because than the people can explore the habitat of animals and observe its beauty. The rest of it should be used for the cattle ranchers because than they can have food and money to help Brazil.

Unknown said...

I think that the rainforest's resources could be shared among the different groups. The rubber tappers and the loggers could use the trees for their needs. The settlers and the cattle ranchers could use the land after it is cleared by the first two groups and be able to do what they want. They could also leave a portion for environmentalist so that they could study what they need to study about the area.

Anonymous said...

5/6 BDF
Kade Johnson
The resources of the rainforest should only be used for important reasons, not pointless ones. If rubber tappers or loggers need the trees to make profit that's ok because they are helping other people to.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the resources from the rain forest should be use to make a profit for there country. The loggers and rubber tappers are just using the resources for a little profit and then they lose the rain forest and then can't make a profit anymore.

Brandon Scholl 5bdf

Anonymous said...

Sayuri Velazco PD: 7/8BDF
I believe that the rainforest should be used by the environmentalists. The environmentalists should use the rainforest because they don't harm the rainforest but at the same time but it to use. They could find new medicines to cure diseases, discover new animals, and even find new ways. They could benefit Brazil in many ways.

Anonymous said...

Marilyn Chen 7-8bdf
I do believe the rainforest (or what is left of it) should be left alone and protected to it can recuperate for losses over the years of excessive use. Therefore if what is stated above does not happen I figure we wont be seeing much of a rainforest and the " amazon rainforest" will cease to exist. Other generations will never know such a place ever existed because its not there anymore.

Tyler Dodd said...

Tyler Dodd 7-8 bdf
I believe that the rainforest should be used for the environmentalist. The environmentalist find cures diseases and medicine for the diseases while they do not hurt anything in the rain forest.