Monday, November 24, 2014

8th Grade/ Andean Vertical Economy!

Have you ever tasted space food or freeze-dried foods made for camping? The people of the Andes, including those living in the ancient civilization of the Inca, have been using similar foods for centuries. This unique mountainous environment allows the people of the Andes to take advantage of what is called a vertical economy. This week, we will define what a “vertical economy” is, and describe how the Andean people take advantage of the “vertical economy.”

Homework Response Question [Due by Friday, 12/5/14]:- I will allow this to be completed late with credit!
How can we use the techniques of the Ancient Inca to improve our farming practices?


Anonymous said...

Maryam Alnaseri
5/6 BDF

We can use their techniques to improve our farming by following some of the things they did. We could use stone walls to give heat to the plants that can't stand the cold. With that technique we are able to produce variety of food instead of having to wait until the climate gets warmer. We also can take the terraces idea and turn it into something modern day. The terrace is a great way to make sure that the crops get watered. If we build something similar then our crops would get water even when we forget. It will also keep the plants from getting too much water.

Anonymous said...

collin sokola

we can use things like terraces and add to them with modern tech. this will mae the jobs of farmers a lot easier.

Anonymous said...

collin sokola


Anonymous said...

We can use ideas from Ancient Incas to improve our farming by making terraces. Terraces can provide us with a different variety of food in stead of having one large plantation of the same thing. Also, the Incas used rocks to keep in the heat for certain plants that could not withstand the cold temperatures. With these different techniques, the Ancient Incas were very successful in there ways to provide food. Therefore, we could mimic these ways and improve our way of farming.
Hannah Burchard

Unknown said...

We can use the ancient techniques of the ancient Inca to even improve both of the farming techniques at the same time. We can use much more modern techniques and we can use things like cranes to move blocked and cement into place to hold things like terraces in a very stable position.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Makayla Joseph
5/6 bdf
We can use the techniques of the Ancient Inca to improve our farming practices by using the terrace idea to make terraces on mountains to have more food for the area we are in. Also we can somewhat use the vertical economy if we use the terraces to have more open land for houses to go. Another thing we can do is use the idea of freeze-dried foods because it could save time and food for a while. These are the techniques of the Ancient Inca that can and should improve our farming practices.

Anonymous said...

Sayuri Velazco P: 7/8 BDF
We can use the idea of making terraces from the Andean people. This could improve our farming techniques because it allows more crops to be harvested in little space. Also, all the crops get watered because the rain from the terrace above will seep down through the next terrace, watering the crops. We could also harvest different crops that grow at different elevations and climates so that we have a variety of crops in one location. If we incorporate these techniques into our modern day farming we can be very successful.

Anonymous said...

Pd 7/8 MIRCOLE LACSON said...
Freeze drying is good for making food last long but I guess that's not farming. So terraces are also good. They help so farmers can plant as many crops as they want without ever needing acres and acres of land. Also helps by so that farmers don't have to look after plant as much.

Anonymous said...

Yes we use there techniques like freeze dry, terracing, and the stone wall. Freeze dry will help us by storing food for drought or if we need it. Terracing could be used for people who own hilly farm land although there terracing would be different. Lastly the stone wall will heat the plants when they can't stand the cold
Tahli Chesnutt 5/6 ace

Anonymous said...

Dylan Bennish
We can build terraces so hat we can grow more food and reduce the amount of soil erosion we have.

Anonymous said...

Saige Oechsli
PD.7/8 BDF

We can use the techniques of the Ancient Incas to improve our farming practices by perhaps building terraces, learning how to efficiently freeze-dry food,and form something of a "vertical economy". The terraces would allow us to cultivate areas of higher elevation. Along with the higher elevation, comes cooler temperatures, which would allow us to preserve and freeze-dry goods and crops. By doing so, we can harvest many different types of crops from the varying elevations, and trade between them. This allows the civilization to continue to thrive, even when a harvest is not successful.

Corian Mills said...

5/6 a,c,e
There are many techniques we could use that the Incas used but two tend to come to mind.The first one is to build terraces. Terraces were used to grow crops. By using terraces we would be able to get new crops from other colonies and they would elimate the chance of flooding therefor keeping the wertical economy afloat. The other choice would be to freeze dry. The Incas would freeze dry their food: Then they would gather even more food. By doing this they would not have to worry about running out of food, and could even trade if necessay. There are many other advantages ,but those two reasons are the most sensible reasons pertaining to this question.

Anonymous said...

We can use techniques of the Ancient Inca to improve our own farming practices by building terraces and freeze drying. Some regions in the U.S. are known to have droughts and food shortages, so we can experiment with older techniques and see if they work with different crops. Also, these techniques will lessen the workload on farmers today. When it rains, the terraces will have already have water distributed to each area and it can also be sloped. Abdullah Siddiqui

Anonymous said...

We can use the techniques of the Ancient Inca to our farming practices by making flat level ground for crops and plants, similar to terraces.

-Sarah Runge
7/8 BDF

Anonymous said...

The Inca's used terraces to farm on mountainous terrains. We can use them too to practice farming because they benefit the ways of farming so that we can have more fertile land to farm with.
Rachel Arion 5/6 BDF

Anonymous said...

Marilyn Chen 7-8BDF
We can certainly use their techniques to help our farming practices. We can adapt their efficient ways of farming and we can also combine them with our advanced technology to furthermore advance and perfect the techniques.

Anonymous said...

We can use the technique to help farm. We can especially farm on the mountainous land. Also we used freeze drying techniques. Also we can use the farming practices to create flat terrain. So we can grow more crops. Also we could grow new crops from other colonies.

Robert stuetz
~5/6 BDF~