Monday, December 8, 2014

7th Grade/ Indentured Servants and Slaves in Colonial Society!

We have examined several categories regarding colonial life, and have reached out last area which includes class differences in colonial society. What is the difference between indentured servants and slaves in colonial society? What is the need for free/cheap labor in the early colonial economy? What evidence do we have to support our knowledge of the use of indentured servants and slaves in colonial Maryland and Virginia, and what does the evidence say about the affect this physical labor has on the body? In order to complete our investigation, we will examine primary sources such as tobacco notes, indentured servant contracts, and the advertisements for the sale of slaves, as well as evidence written in bone!  

Homework Response Question [Due by Friday, 12/12/14]:- I will allow this to be completed late with full credit!
What evidence do we have to support our knowledge of the use of indentured servants and slaves in colonial Maryland and Virginia, and what does the evidence say about the affect this physical labor has on the body?


Mr. McCrobie said...

Do your homework!

Anonymous said...

Anna Long
7/8 ACE
In the 17th and 18th centuries, people used slaves and indentured servants for hard physical labor. This statement is supported with the skeletal remains of multiple indentured servants/ slaves. Their remains showed that the hard labor gave them a lot of pain and issues as when they were alive. It was not good on their bodies.

Anonymous said...

People used the indentured slaves and slaves for hard work. They use the slave to do. The dirty work for them but pay them a little money but indentured slaves got pay more and had a choices of being an indentured slave. This is proven in the bones of the people who were slaves and it showed the pain of when there were alive.
Cati Silvestre Perez 5-6 ACE

Anonymous said...

Yousuf Al Naseri

Back then people used to use slaves to do there dirty work (Like laundry, wash dishes, make food, and etc.).Indentured slaves where white people who worked for people o pay off a bill or something that they bought and couldn't pay it off. I got the evidence from the Write in Bone book because it said hat the levy neck boy was buried near a trash pit and he had a piece of pottery thrown on is rib cage.

~~~~Yousuf ~~~~~~~

Eve Sarbanes said...

How are you doing the hard land physical labor. They would do a lot of work with little resting time. If they didn't do as told they were beaten. We have evidence to back up that they were mistreated. The leafy neck boy was hardly abused and had a lot of work. We could tell by the condition of his body. He had several missing teeth and you could tell he wasn't taken care of. He was found in a trash pit. Which tells us it they wanted to hide the body. Which we can conclude it was disrespected.

Adam Hanes said...

The support i have of indentured servant and slaves is that they both are payed about nothing. These people were forced to do work for a very STUPID reason. All they wanted was to be free and American but were treated worse than PETS. Indentured servants signed contracts to go to america but when they got there they had extreme tasks to do and the "owners" didn't even care about them. Then there are slaves and that is where it gets really stupid. These people that are forced to do extreme amounts of work all because they BLACK. These people were kidnapped from their family to work in a whole other country cause they were a different skin color. I know that this is correct because all the contracts back then. I believe that back then people were idiots cause they put innocence in slavery cause they were black. I think that the people should all be FREE because all they want is to be left alone and be with their family and be a free american.
-Adam Hanes 12/10/14

Jered Monar said...

Indentured servants and slaves were made to perform tasks that their owners did not want to do themselves or pay someone a wage to do. The work that these slaves had to do was very labor intensive. The tough labor was not kind to their bodies. It was very harsh or their joints and wore them out . This meant that they endured a lot of pain early in their lifetime.

Anonymous said...

James Hsia 12-11-14 7/8 ACE
In the early years of the New world, people used indentured servants and slaves as labor. A document we studied talked about people in England making a deal so the servant could travel to America for free and in return serve the payer for a number of years. I noticed it mentioned agreements so it meant that they had a choice whether to sign up. Slaves, however, had no choice but to serve-for life! The document we studied said that they were sold like animals!
The effect this kind of labor had on the body was horrible: an indentured servant's skeleton show healed fractures, teeth infections bad enough to destroy the crown, early signs of arthritis, and were treated as badly as slaves.

Unknown said...

the slave and indenture servants were in bad shape and they were in hard labor. they were forced to carry heavy load and really did not have heath care.

saul font said...

Well both kind of people do the exact same things, yeah they both work. There is just one main difference it is that the indentured servants worked for money and the slaves worked hard and got no pay. Also slaves were forced to work but the indentured servants were asked to work. So there is your huge difference between the both. Then with hard labor. Many people were mistreated and disobeyed for certain reasons. So it was very difficult to be forced to do physical labor for strict and cruel people.

Unknown said...

Well the evidence we have to support this is that we found William Neale's indentured servant buried under a pile of trash and had signs of abuse in bone structure which leads us to believe indentured servants and slaves were thought very poorly of and had almost no respect and that they were pushed to the limit with almost no breaks and practically working them to death.So this is what they evidence makes us believe.
~ Hannah Briggs 7/8 ACE ~

Anonymous said...

People back then used slaves and indentured servants for very tough labor on the body. Back then the only difference was that indentured servants will be free after their tie is done, but slaves did hard work for their masters until death. Due to the evidence from were they were buried or even broken/unhealed bones you can conclude that work back then was very harsh on the servant/slave's body.

- Evan Giordano 7/8 ACE

Anonymous said...

Zahra Siddiqui 12/11/14 &-8 ACE
Indentured servants and slaves are not that much different and both of the jobs required heavy physical labor. Both of them were mistreated by their "masters", but the indentured servants were free and became American citizens, meanwhile the slaves were set free. The evidence that we found shows that the slaves and the indentured servants both had damage to their bodies and their bones had been badly fractured/broken, so we know that the physical labor can really brake down someone's body.

Anonymous said...

Back in colonial times they had wanted ads for indentured servants. They also had for sale ads for slaves. The hard physical labor had a bad effect on their bodies. You could also tell by the damage on their remains that the things they were doing was driving them to the breaking point.

Anonymous said...

The evidence we have is that indentured servants were mostly mistreated by their masters and we know this because in a couple articles and the bone book showed marks off mistreatment. They were also worked to death based on the wearing on the bone.
RJ Batts

Anonymous said...

Kevin Gutoskey

In coloniel times, identured servants and slaves were used to do work for a master or employer. Slaves were forced to work for little payment and indentured servants were employed and worked under an a agreement for a certain period of time. The evidence to support this theory are some documents found that are wanted posters requesting an indentured servants and flyers announcing that slaves are for sale. We also know that these workers did lots of hard, tedious work. We know this by looking at the bones and remains of slaves and indentured servants from colonial times. The bones of these men and women were very worn down and most were at least slightly damaged. That is how we know about servants and slaves and what work can do to them.

Dylan Mezick 5-6ACE said...

In the late 1700s , people were used as slaves and indentured slaves. The hard labor that they did was shown in the skeleton X-ray.This is why they had done hard labor.
-Dylan Mezick 5-6 ACE

Roxanne said...

In colonial times people used indentured servants for many things and hard labor. From our evidence in the bodies found in the written in bones book some indentured servants where misused and abused. One of the bodies found showed that he was still a young man in 15 or 16's and he still was doing work of a man. His bone structure was shown that the boy was worked hard long days. I have come to conclude that being an indentured servant was neither fun or easy.

Anonymous said...

Koby Bradshaw

The Bristol registration was an official record of the immigrant's name place of origin destination, owners name occupation that proves endured servants existed in Maryland and Virginia. Endured servants were often treated like slaves. They had masters who abused them and provided little food clothing and shelter.

Taylor Moss said...

The servants and slaves were treated worthless or however the owners felt like. The reason I know this is because the servants wanted to be free an live somewhere else. So the deal is to let them move you but you have to work for them a certain period of time. The slaves are just forced to work because they don't have a choice. The slaves and indentured servants have a lot of physical work on them. They can get very tired and possibly die because to much work on a person can turn them into mush.

Anonymous said...

In the 17th & 18th centuries, people used slaves and indentured servants to work around the house and do the hard work outside. This statement is supported because when the anthropologists found bones of and indentured servant, the bones were funky because the person he/she was working for beat him/her. When they found a slaves bones, they were the typical shape. You could tell they were always working hard by the way their bones looked.
Jamie Curley Dec. 15th 2014 5/6 BDF

Anonymous said...

There was evidence of there being indentured servants was in the Written in Bones book. The indentured servants were worked very hard and were mistreated and the evidence of that is found on their remains.
Brandon Underwood 5/6 ACE

Anonymous said...

In the book written in bone it said they had found a body in a trash pit surrounded by trash and a broken plate. They think the broken plate was used to dig the hole and put the body in. They think they didn't treat them with a proper burial because he was an indentured servant. They studied the bones and saw that he had a bad back so he had to have carried a lot of weight. They also found out that the boy was sixteen. So they suggested that the boy was an indentured servant.
Trate Underwood

Anonymous said...

-Emma Murphy
An indentured servant is somebody who works for somebody else to pay off a debt. The person was usually somebody who wanted to come the new world but didn't have enough money to. Somebody else would pay for their trip and in return they would work for them for a certain number of years. The difference between a slave and an indentured servant is that a slave is taken from where they live and forced to work for somebody for free which is involuntary work but an indentured servant agrees to work which is voluntary work. People in the early colonial economy would need free/cheap labor to help run their farm. If they had to pay all of their workers it would get very expensive. The evidence that we have to support the knowledge of the use of indentured servants and slaves in colonial Maryland and Virginia is that bones have been found very hastily and disrespectfully buried. These bodies show signs of wearing in the spine and multiple broken bones which shows that physical labor has a negative effect on the body.

Anonymous said...

The indentured servants and slaves of Maryland and Virginia were very disrespected and badly treated. They did very hard physical labor without much rest. We could tell by the remains that they were not treated very well. One was found in a trash pit. That tells us they wanted to hide the body. They most likely did not want anyone finding out how badly they treated the people. One body also had many missing teeth

Morgan Larkin 7/8 ace

David said...

I believe the only difference between indentured servants and slaves were indentured servants were treated better.They were practicly paid nothing or the same and were made to work for ridiculous reasons.Bodies of slaves have been found and these bodies show signs of wearing in the spine and multiple broken bones which shows that physical labor has a negative effect on the body.

Anonymous said...

Brian Min 7/8 ACE

We know that indentured servants and slaves were used because we found flyers and contracts for slaves and servants. We also found out that on some skeletons, there were evidence on those bones that indacated that it went under hard labor. That indicates that it was a slave or servant. Only they did hard labor.

Anonymous said...

rachel burkhardt 5-6 ace
back then they used the servents for hard work inside and outside of the house and anywhere eles they were needed and we saw that there bones were broke cause all the hard work they did they did not get paid. like people do today.

Trevor said...

Indentured servants and slaves were treated very disrespectfully being forced to work all the time.The bones found in the trash pit were messed up and I think the cause of that is that the owner of the house could have locked the person on their forever so in conclusion,slaves and servants were treated very bad.