Monday, December 8, 2014

8th Grade/ Ancient Mediterranean World!

Our second unit of study focuses on the region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, and more specifically focuses on the ancient civilizations of Ancient Greece and Rome. In order for us to understand the rise and fall of these great civilizations, we must first understand the geography of the ancient Mediterranean world, and its influence on its people. We will start by focusing on the Mediterranean of the Ancient Greeks, about 550 B.C.E. What difficulties and advantages did the geography of the Mediterranean have on the Ancient Greeks? We will examine maps in order to think critically about this question.  

Homework Response Question [Due by Friday, 12/12/14]- I will allow this to be completed late with credit!

•How did geography influence settlement and way of life in ancient Greece?


Anonymous said...

well the disadvantage of the ancient Greeks were that the high mountain's were keeping easy access from city's but the advantages were that they had fish and there boats near by and easy trading could

~ Jeremy Cope

Anonymous said...

sorry about that to continue easy trading could help them gat some supply's they need in order to become wealthy and powerful

~Jeremy Cope

Anonymous said...

Dylan Bennish
The geography was hard to live in. The ancient Greece people had to farm with the little flat land they had, which is why they grew grapes and olives instead of wheat, corn, etc. Because of the little resources they could use, they had to have colonies that transported goods to Greece.

Anonymous said...

Since the geography wasn't that great in ancient Greece back then, there wasn't effective farming and there wasn't flat areas to raise the animals, so the people had to do what they can and they were pretty efficient. They weren't completely at a loss, they grew olives and grapes and raised cattle and sheep. They also traded alot.
~JinJoo Lee 7/8 BDF

Anonymous said...

Maryam Alnaseri
5/6 BDF

The geography influences settlement and way of life in ancient Greece by letting them have challenges and can lead them to new ideas. The challenges they faced were the mountains, and rocky lands. The mountains prevented communication and transportation. Rocky lands made it hard to farm and to travel without the wheel shattering. They had to solve their problems by creating colonies and trade routes. Colonies helped them spread their culture and be able to have a supply of food. Trading routes created a way for them to have fresh sources. They traded by sea.

Anonymous said...

Julianna sterling
The geography of ancient Greece effected settlement by forcing the Greeks to settle either in rocky mountainous regions or along the coasf. The geography effected way of life because the moutianous regions made tree nuts, goats, and sheep popular food, and because the mountians were so hard to travel it made travel by boat popular.

Anonymous said...

The geography influenced the settlement of ancient Greece by making the Greeks the Greeks settle in the rocky mountains. Or the Greeks would settle along the coast. The Greeks also grew grapes and olives. They also heard sheep. The Greeks traded a lot with the other trade groups. The geography affected life because the mountain region made trees and nuts.

~Robert Stuetz ♡
5-6 BDF

Unknown said...

The geography influenced the ancient Greece by basically telling them where to go. for example if you run into a desert with no water, would you choose that desert or would you choose the plains with sturdy soil that you can farm on with streams around it. That would be an easy question for me because I would rather have an easy supply of water right by me than have to travel through a desert to get it.

Anonymous said...

they faced the disadvantage of having mountains in their trading route by having that it not only made it difficult to trade but they had to find a different way of transportation. by finding a different way of transportation made it easier to fish because when they made boats they made trading easier. since they have neighboring countries they decided to trade with greece because they had things they didnt but greece had things they didnt either so it made trade very valuable.

Anonymous said...

the geography influenced the settlement of Ancient Greece by causing the Greeks to settle in the coast area. They settled there because it was easier to travel by boat than over the mountains. Traveling by boat became popular because it was much easier and faster.

Brandon Scholl
5/6 BDF

Anonymous said...

The geography affected how the people in ancient Greece settled and how they lived their lives. For example, they had to adapt to traveling in the rocky, uneven land. With this this type of landscape, farmers used goats and sheep instead of cows because goats and sheep can climb the rocky mountains. Lastly, the ancient Greeks settled near the coast so that they were able to trade goods by boat. This was the easiest way to trade between the settlements. This is the way geography affected ancient Greeks.
Hannah Burchard

Anonymous said...

Some difficulties of the geography were that the Ancient Greeks weren't able to grow crops like barley and wheat and raise cattle because the land was uneven. Some advantages were that the Ancient Greeks were able to grow olive trees and grapes. They were able to make olive oil from that olives that they grew.
Abdullah Siddiqui

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

the geography and the setlement of the civilization of ancient Greece influenced the way the people of ancient Greece live. The majority of the land of Greece was mountainous and too rocky to walk to a destination and farm crops.So the way the people of Greece survived their harsh terrain they grew grapes and olive trees that were able to survive the rocky soil of Greece and they raised goats and sheeps instead of cows. Also Ancient Greece had islands surrounding it letting them to send colonies to establish in those islands and increase the growth of the population and the production of the resources.

Anonymous said...

Saige Oechsli
Pd.7/8 BDF

The geography of Greece greatly influenced the area in which they settled and colonized. The terrain is very mountainous, which caused them to settle on the coast. However, a few farmers built terraces in the mountains to grow crops. The main crops they grew were wheat, barley, grapes, and olives. Their animals included sheep, goats, and pigs, which require only a small amount of land. Since the Greeks had limited space and resources they had to expand. They colonized the shores of the Black Sea, southern Italy, Asia Minor (modern day Turkey), and northern Africa. By doing this, they could establish trade routes and continue to fuel the mainland.

Anonymous said...

Marilyn Chen
7-8 bdf
The geographic features determined a lot when it came to picking the most desireable and resourceful piece of land to build you home on. Many opted to build their homes on mountains, will others wanted to build theirs near a source of water. That's why the shores and edges of rivers were very popular places to build and settle on.

Anonymous said...

Sayuri Velazco Period: 7/8 BDF
The geography affected where the Greeks settled because they could either settle in the mountains or on the coast. It also affected what type of food they grew. In the mountains they grew nuts and grapes and raised sheep and goats. They raised sheep and goats because they could climb the mountains unlike other animals. The geography of a place affects where you settle greatly and it definitely affected where the Greeks settled.

Anonymous said...

The geography influenced ancient Greek settlement by if they were in the mountainous areas they would have to find flater areas spreading out towns more. if by the sea they could be closer together.

Laila Libertin 7-8 BDF said...

The geography where the Greeks settled because most of the land were full of mountains. The mountains prevented a way of communication and transportation. Some probably settled near the sea for trading because they are located right in the center of the trading routes.It would provide jobs.

Unknown said...

The Greeks had disadvantages with the mountains. They had little farm land so with the little farm land they had to grow grapes and olives. They also raised cattle and sheep. They also had to get goods transported to them

Corian Mills said...

Corian Mills
5/6 a,c,e
The gepgraphy of greece greatly influenced the settlement of the greeks.The mountains were a advantage for protection, but did take up space for farming. Also them living by water gave them a oppurtunity for sea trade ,and a way to inherit other traditions and goods.

Anonymous said...

Kade Johnson bdf 5/6

In ancient Greece, geography could be influenced a couple of ways. The mountains could have been a factor because its hard to grow crops and get water. Also. the beach could have been a factor because the sand does not help with crops or moving quick on foot.

Anonymous said...

The geography influenced settlement and way of life in Greece because the terrain was very mountainy. Because of this terrain, it was very difficult to travel and trade. Greece is surrounded by water, so their lives were impacted from the use of boats for fast and easier travel and trade.

-Sarah Runge
7/8 BDF

Anonymous said...

Mircole Lacson
Their land was really poor and they couldn't work with it so their geography influenced breeding goats instead of cows. Also influenced trading with plenty of other countries and growing grape vines and other easy crops!

Anonymous said...

Marilyn Chen 7-8BDF
The greek people built their lives around their region. They have learned to adapt and find new ways to do things but still accomplish the same goal. They learned to be the same as anyone living around them.