Wednesday, January 21, 2015

8th Grade/ Etruscan and Greek Culture-- Rome!

Homework Discussion Post [Due by Friday, 1/23/2015]:

Which aspects of Etruscan and Greek culture do you think had the most important influence on Rome?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

7th Grade/ Toward Independence!

Homework Discussion Post [Due by Friday 1/23]:
When is it necessary for citizens to rebel against their government? Explain in detail!

6th Grade/ Hammurabi's Code

 Homework Discussion Post [Due by Friday, 1/23/2015]:
In your opinion, was Hammurabi's Code a fair way to rule the people of Ancient Mesopotamia?

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

8th Grade/ Ship Building!

Homework Discussion Post [Due by Friday, 1/16]:
Based upon the planning and building of your ship, what factor do you think is the most difficult to plan for? How did your team overcome this difficulty? Explain in detail!

Monday, January 12, 2015

7th Grade/ Creating a Colony Assessment!

Homework Discussion Post [Due by Friday, January 16th]:
Based upon your planning of your colony, what factor do you think is the most difficult to plan for? How did your team compensate for this difficulty? Explain your thoughts with specific details!

6th Grade/ Hammurabi's Code

Homework Discussion Post [Due by Friday, January 16th]:
Do you feel that those working in government positions should receive equal, harsher, or less punishment than common people for the same crime? Explain your thoughts!

Monday, January 5, 2015

8th Grade/ Greek Sea Travel and Trade!

      You are a Greek merchant on the colony of Cyprus.  You need to ship your cargo of timber and wool across the Mediterranean Sea to the mainland of Greece.  The people on the mainland are willing to pay top dollar for your goods and the more quickly you ship them, the more money you will make because there will be less competition.  You need to build a ship to be fast, carry the maximum cargo, and cost the least to build.

6th Grade/ Development of Communication!

Cave paintings quickly transformed into pictographs, and finally into cuneiform, the world’s first writing system. Our investigation today involved the use of the Papyrus plant. The papyrus plant grew in abundance along the Nile River in the marshy areas. Egyptians were able to use the papyrus plant to create a paper writing surface for scribes to record important information using a style known as hieroglyphics. Next, we will focus our attention on the development of this process into modern paper manufacturing. We will continue to study this process hands-on. As we complete these investigations, continue to evaluate the advantages of these new methods compared to past and present communication methods in order to explain how communication developed overtime.