Monday, January 12, 2015

6th Grade/ Hammurabi's Code

Homework Discussion Post [Due by Friday, January 16th]:
Do you feel that those working in government positions should receive equal, harsher, or less punishment than common people for the same crime? Explain your thoughts!


Clara Peterson said...

When most people think of legal punishment, they envision a judge or jury convicting a person for a crime, and then sentencing that person in accordance with clearly prescribed penalties, as specified in the criminal law. The person serves the sentence, is released (perhaps a bit early for "good behavior"), and then welcomed back into society as a full-functioning member, adorned with all the rights and responsibilities of ordinary citizens. I think that everyone should get the same treatment but if they did something uncalled for they must be punished.

Anonymous said...

it is not fair that we get ponish harsher then the people who actually study the law and should know better then us and they get away with it and
we go to jail with no parole and they get.
A slap on the back

Unknown said...

It is not fair that we get punished harsher because everyone is the same and should get punished the same. It should not matter if your work for the government and do a bad choice you should still get punished the same way if normal people do it. But you should know better what to do and not do.
Kayla McCauley 3/4 BDF

Anonymous said...

I think they should be treated the same because there both human and they should not be favored because they have a better job.

Mackenzie.w 3/4 ace

Anonymous said...

A police officer in a regular car caught speeding should get a ticket just like a non-police officer,because equal is fair.

Taylor mero 1-15-15