Sunday, February 22, 2015

8th Grade/ From Republic to Empire!

The expansion of Roman power took place over approximately five hundred years, from 509 B.C.E. to 14 C.E. At the start of this period, Rome was a tiny republic in central Italy. Five hundred years later, it was the thriving center of a vast empire. At its height, the Roman Empire included most of Europe, together with North Africa, Egypt, much of the present-day Middle East, and Asia Minor.

The growth of Rome’s power happened gradually, and it came at a price. Romans had to fight countless wars to defend their growing territory and to conquer new lands. Along the way, Rome itself changed. The Romans had once been proud to be governed under a republic of elected leaders. Their heroes were men who had helped to preserve the republic. By 14 C.E., the republic was just a memory. Power was in the hands of a single supreme ruler, the emperor. Romans even worshiped the emperor as a god.

In the class periods to come, you’ll see how this dramatic change occurred. You’ll trace the gradual expansion of Roman power. You will also explore the costs of this expansion, both for Romans and for the people they conquered.

Homework Discussion Post [Due by Friday, Feb. 27, 2015]:
Did the benefits of Roman Expansion outweigh the costs? Explain, and respond to your classmates posts. 


Anonymous said...

christine cooper
pd 5-6 bdf
i think that the expansion was worth it because then by concurring towns and cities you get more citizens and if they see how great the army is then men and women (if women were allowed to) would join if they had the guts.

Laila Libertin 7/8 BDF said...

I do think the Roman expansion outweighed the costs because over the five hundred they had gained a lot of respect, changed their religion and culture so that most of the Roman Empire agreed. Even though they had to fight some battles, getting what you need doesn't come easy you have to work for what you have. Sometimes sacrifices have to be made. I believed that is what the Romans believed. The Roman Expansion definitely outweighed the costs.

Anonymous said...

I think that the benefits of Roman expansion did outweigh the costs because the expansion changed the whole civilization. It took 500 years but it was worth it, because now they gained a lot of power over the people who they won the battles over. They also changed culture, expanded land and probably grew in size of population. They would have more buildings and a change of religion too.

Maryam Alnaseri
5/6 BDF

Anonymous said...

collin sokola

i believe the expansion was good because they gained many loyal subjects and they were able to get more land ad become the largest empire of their time.

Anonymous said...

The benefits of the Roman Expansion do not outweigh the costs. The reason being is because they now have one ruler instead of multiple people elected of their choice. They also have to still go through wars to protect the land they gained. The Roman Expansion has probably cost more than they gained.
Hannah Burchard

Anonymous said...

I think that expansion does not outweigh the cost. At first, they had freedom(?) like with a bunch of smart people getting together and negotiating on what's best for their city. But now they just have one guy trying to rule a whole state of people sorta like a dictator.

Anonymous said...

I think the benefits weighed out the cost because even though it took a long time and a lot of money, they expanded and grew which made them more powerful and the cost then was nothing. It was totally worth it.
Brandon Scholl

Anonymous said...

julianna sterling
I think the benefits of Roman Expansion outweighed the costs because when they expand they're gaining more land and increasing their population which will boost their economy and make them a more powerful empire.

Anonymous said...

I think the benefits of Roman Expansion outweighed the cost because the whole expansions changed the civilization. Also because they expanded and grew that made them more powerful. I think it was totally worth it.

Robert stuetz
5/6 BDF

Anonymous said...

kade Johnson 5/6 bdf

I think the benefits did outweigh the costs because the republic became stronger in every way possible. Yes, there were many costs to the expansion but the benefits were much greater

Anonymous said...

I think the cost out weight the benefits because the was so many war for space and war are expensive and there are a lot more people to feed

Jeremy cope

Anonymous said...

I think the Roman Expansion did outweigh the cost because even though they have been in alot of battles and had alot of conflicts to deal with, they still gained alot of respect and more civilizations. There were also changes in their religion and the way they live and their culture also changed a bit as well.
JinJoo Lee
7/8 BDF

Anonymous said...

Yes, the benefits of Roman Expansion outweighed the costs. Even though Rome went through major changes throughout the process, they eventually gained more land and power and their population became much larger, so they were harder to conquer. Also, more religions were introduced into the empire so there was more diversity.
Abdullah Siddiqui

Unknown said...

The expansion of Rome did not outweigh the costs because the expansion gave them land and with land came lots and lots of citizens and they had to provide food and construct buildings for their people. As well during the expansion the Romans had to go to war very frequently in order to expand and get a lot of land.this meant they also had to have soldiers and so they had to get resources and provide weaponry and armor for their soldiers. This added to the costs of the expansion because they also paid the soldiers and it just made the costs worse. This is why the expansion did not outweigh the cost.

Anonymous said...

History home work

The expansion of the Roman Empire was a greatly thing not only beneficial for the Romans but also for the people "absorbed" into the empire the emperor let them not only keep thee cultures and way of life in exchange for taxes and the ownership of the territory but also offers defense civilization culture and luxury items they otherwise could not have Horton and though there conquests resulted in blood shed its important to Remember that these conquered people were literally fighting each other and probably would have spilled more blood while independent than under Roman rule. Another benefit is the establishment of trAde routes that lived and live past the roman era. And if Rome were to stay a minor Latin state in Italy (Italia) than it would most likely have been conquered by a growing Carthage ruthless Lombards or maybe even the Greeks. And history would be greatly changed and today the Mediterranean and Europe could have turned into smaller earring states divided and broken between tiny powers with no true uniting force to bring them together. In conclusion the Romans expansion was not only beneficial but also a key determining factor of modern history and though we can't know how the world could have been we know that it would never be the same without Rome. -Alexander Patterson period 7/8 bdf

Anonymous said...

Dylan Bennish 78bdf
Yes because they grew so big and had such a strong army. There were a lot of casualties but the amount of land they took over easily outweighed that.

Anonymous said...

DESTIN AMES The benefits of Roman Expansion outweighed the cost. Romes Army conquered places losing lives but then regained them from the male population. They would also have a larger income of food, natural resources, and gold.

tyler dodd 7-8bdf said...

Yes because of the land that they conquered. They had an extremely strong army. Although there was casualties and there culture could have gone down.

Anonymous said...

Emily Robinson 7/8 BDF
I do not think that the benefits outweighed the cost. So many people lost their lives fighting for more land. Now there's and empire though. Rome used to be ruled by a few people who were elected by the people of Rome. There's only an emperor now. So people are getting mad.