Sunday, March 8, 2015

8th Grade/ Fall of Rome

From 50 BCE until the year 200 CE, the Roman Empire was the superpower of the Mediterranean world. During that time, the empire’s wealth, territory and international status grew and grew. But even as the empire prospered, it was slowly starting to fall apart. Some of its problems were internal- coming from within Rome itself- and others were external. Our next investigation explores the factors that led to the eventual fall of one of history’s most powerful and influential empires. This will allow us to answer the question: what were the primary reasons for the “fall” of Rome?  

Homework Response Question [Due by Friday, 3/20/15]:
What were the primary reasons for the "fall" of Rome? 


Anonymous said...

Jeremy cope

I think the downfall of Rome was because they concurred so much and thought the were top dog so they got lazy and they kept getting sacked until they were weak and finally destroyed them

Anonymous said...

I think that Rome fell because they had already reached all of their goals and defeated their rivals so they got really lazy and they weren't prepared to take on against enemy's resulting in their downfall.

-Haris Amir

Anonymous said...

What lead to the fall of Rome is that they became lazy because they thought they were superior to everyone else. Also, their war technique consisted of minimal armor which got a lot of soldiers killed. Lastly, people within Rome rebelled and killed many of their leaders. This is what lead to the downfall of Rome.
Hannah Burchard

Anonymous said...

Rome started to fall even though they were expanding. The reason they were falling is because of the fact that the armies were in one spot. With them only being in one area the other cities were vulnerable. So other empires or tribes started to hit their weak spots. -John Maguire 3/12/15

Anonymous said...

The fall of Rome occured because as the Romans gained more power they became more lazy, and as they gained more land and gained population they didn't have a big enough army to keep all their land and people under their control.

julianna sterling
5/6 bdf

Anonymous said...

The reasons for the fall of Rome is that they got lazy and didn't take care of what's going around them. They thought they had nothing to do because they thought they were greater in power than any other empire just because they had a greater population and better armies, etc. Another reason was that they didn't have good protection and that's why forgein invasion happened and the army started to fall apart.
JinJoo Lee~ 7,8 BDF

Anonymous said...

I think the main reason for the downfall of Rome is the weak military. They refused to wear any armor, which caused them to flee or get shot my archers in battle. If they had a good army Rome could've been an empire still. This goes to show that no matter how good you think you are, you have to protect what you have.
-Dylan Bennish 78BDF

Anonymous said...

I think the primary reason for the "fall" of Rome was that their military was unprepared. As people started realizing that they had reached their goals, they became lazier and didn't feel like working, which had a great effect upon their military. The soldiers started becoming lazy and requested that they didn't have to wear heavy armor like they used to because they didn't have anyone to fight or conquer. Other tribes took this opportunity to start conquering parts of Rome and the citizens of Rome didn't fight back and that made the job easier.
Abdullah Siddiqui
Period 7/8 BDF

Anonymous said...

I have come to the conclusion that There were many factors that "lead up" to the downfall of Rome. One of the big reasons is the internal conflict that was going on in Rome, many civilians were disagreeing upon how their government work and issues such as supplying resources to fight battles. In my opinion i think they started to not want to sacrifice the lives of their people to expansion and defending the land that was conquered. Also another underlying reason was probably the population and the reason i say that its such a big deal is before all the citizens of Rome were ruled under one leader and one powerhouse who's word outweighed anything in that empire. With the ever-growing population there must be trust and i dont think that one leader could essentially control all those people and provide,listen to their needs. Though in order to have a healthy empire that must be done or else rebellions would cause that nation to crumble. Last but not least money/greed/war was a big issue, after gaining so much power it went to their heads, they were feared yes but not invincible. They've fended off most major invasions but could they defeat a massive invasion without everyone being united and willing to fight for a cause. This they did not think of so thought they couldn't be defeated and all the other empires would cower in fear what they didn't know was that all good must come to an end at some point. For Rome it just happened to be sooner.

Marilyn Chen 7/8BDF

Anonymous said...

christine cooper
5/6 bdf
the primary reasons for the fall of Rome were all the wars, and unfair rulers which caused a trend of assassinations. with all the assassinations of the rulers left rome in panic which gave the territories they had taken a good oppertunity to destroy rome.

Anonymous said...

Saige Oechsli
Pd.7/8 BDF

The fall of Rome was caused by many things. Mostly because Rome's government was jacked with military people who wanted power, and the military itself was messed up in the fact that they were to lazy. After Rome had conquered all that land, they became lax with defenses, worrying only about power. In result, the military became weak and incompetent, and many of Romes leaders, (of whom were mostly of the military) were assassinated as each of them competed for power. Also, as one acquires power, one tends to acquire wealth as well, and therefore the Emperors of Rome raised all the taxes to the point where anyone living in Rome would rather live at war. All of these leads to the fall of an empire, because without a strong government and military, an empire cannot stand against it's enemies, or even it's own people.

Anonymous said...

Maryam Alnaseri
5/6 BDF

The fall of Rome was caused by how lazy they were. They thought that they were in power and nothing could stop them. In result of them thinking that, they became weaker in battle and they began losing many soldiers, which means lost in power. The leaders might also be the cause of the fall because the citizens keep on assassinating them.

Anonymous said...

I think some of the primary reasons for the "fall" of Rome was because, of how lazy they were and warship/military. Rome had became powerful with all of its emperors ruling at the time, but they quickly became lazy when, they went into battle, and didn't have all the necessary weapons they needed in order to succeed and win each battle.

Rachel Arion
5/6 BDF

Anonymous said...

collin sokola

they started to fall when they got lazy and all of their choices after that just added to their hole

Anonymous said...

The fall of Rome is a historic event not only did the largest empire in the world fall but it split in two. The reason for the fall of Rome was actually many smaller problems rather than one big problem. The Romans expanded to what they thought was a critical mass or in other words they believed that there empire was so strong that no outside threat would dare challenge it. Lets talk about the non Romans in the empire. These people not only had less rights but also crushing taxes and were viewed as lower weather they were white black purple Gaulish/Frankish (early French and German cultures in now a days France) Greek middle eastern or Lombard. These cultural divisions were all over the empire and people's critical mass belief pared with this division caused serious problems for the empire like the failing to conscript soldiers and the removal of armor from soldiers. The division of people caused a division in the army and everyday social life. The division in belief and culture caused the people to try to impose there views on the empire wether through corruption or a blade. It's important to know contrary to the United States and most world powers to day the army would take part in the killing of emperors and government officials they didn't like such as the emperor or/and senators. Of the empire. The lack of leadership the excessive assassinations and the mist trust between the people's of Rome through the empire on a downward spiral which in hindsight could have been avoided and reversed to strengthen Rome . It is important to note that learning from these problems and finding solutions can help people even today. The Romans could have instated laws to reform the army which if returning army and allowing conscription would unite them under victory, the search the empire for corrupt leaders and have them tried for treason, then have large festivals and roman cultural places built in the areas were there are large cultural differences this will help assimilate them culturally into the empire. Now these are just ideas and who knows they might not even have worked but in a world were many of these problems still plague us to day solutions or at least ideas about (a) solution(s) are completely necessary to the thriving of modern people's. the Romans also had a "problem"
Christianity was founded in the eastern portion of the empire and spreading like wild fire through the empire. The new religious tension happened near the end of Rome but the religion may have been another reason for the fall of Rome and the rise of Byzantium and a modernizing Europe. -Alexander Patterson
7/8 BDF

Anonymous said...

Sayuri Velazco P: 7/8 BDF
The three factors that led to Rome's downfall is less armor, foreign invasion, and illness. With less armor the soldiers are more likely to die quickly and therefore be defeated easily. This led to foreign invasion. If the countries that invaded didn't know how to govern properly then they could easily be invaded as well. With the illness it killed 3/4 of the population including soldiers. With less soldiers Rome had to resort to recruiting German soldiers. They needed to pay the soldiers and eventually Rome went into debt from not being able to pay the soldiers. All these factors combined is what caused the downfall of Rome.

Anonymous said...

There were many reasons people could say for the "downfall" of Rome. Although there were a couple that stood out. One of those was that the army didn't wear any protection in their battles and training. That led them to lose wars and as a result of that, they had there empire attacked. The other main reason for the downfall of Rome is that they almost got to cocky and full of themselves. By that I mean they thought they were they best so they let their guard down and that led to them getting attacked and destroyed.

Anonymous said...

kade Johnson is the one on march 22

Unknown said...

The downfall of Rome was caused by their military getting soft and not being able to defend themselves. Their once growing nation that became top dog, fell due to laziness

Anonymous said...

The primary reasons that caused the fall of Rome were natural disasters, war, and the laziness of the soldiers. They were a top nation that fell due to laziness. The earthquakes causes Rome to get measles. Which ended up leading to many deaths and diseases. It killed up to 75 percent of the population.

~5/6 BDF~

Anonymous said...

The main reasos for the fall of Rome was from enviormental threats and from terrorism. These are the top two reasons for the fall of Rome. From enviormental threats, people lost buildings, land and many other things like that. The terrorism threats are bad because most of the people died from assasination.
-Emily Hanes

Laila LIbertin 7/8 BDF said...

The primary reasons for the fall of Rome was military mistakes, natural disasters and foreign threats. On of the military mistakes was that the military leader let his army be lazy by not making them where their armor that protects them and not holding them responsible for not coming to drills. The natural disasters was major setback too. When disasters like earthquake and floods happened it left a disease killing and sickening many people. Causing them to become weaker than they already were. When the other city-states or empires saw or heard what was going on in Rome they thought was a perfect opportunity. They started attacking and attacking. Which eventually led to the fall of Rome.

Anonymous said...

DESTIN AMES 7/8BDF The primary reasons for the fall of Rome were military problem, political instability and natural disasters. The disasters together killed around 300,000 people. The military went into battle without armour. And the government official were constantly assassinated or killed in battle.

tylere dodd 7-8 bdf said...

The three primary reasons for the fall of Rome are natural disasters, foreign invasions, and military mistakes. The natural disasters were a huge factor because of the earthquake and plague. Foreign invasions also because there defence wasn't ready for the invasion and killed everyone quick. Military mistakes because they dint go in to war with proper armor so arrows killed them easily.

Anonymous said...

Mircole Lacson 7/8BDF
I believe that the most important reason for the downfall in Rome was the military. They got so used to the life of luxary that they grew lazy and abandoned basic attack drills. That made them weak and abandon major parts of their armor that they need to keep their body safe. If they hadn't abandoned their training and armour, they could've protected Rome from invasions and assassinations.

Unknown said...

Anwar Ahmed 7/8 BDF
I believe the reasons Rome had fallen was because of natural disasters, and military issues. As Rome became more used to luxury, so did the army. They became cocky and weak because they abandoned military drills and were massacred. Rome's Military also became so lazy that they had decided not to wear any armor, such as Chest plates and Helmets, when they fought invaders. Now the natural disaster they faced was a destructive earthquake. The earthquake shook and tore Rome apart and left it in ruins. Then invaders had brought in the measles which they were immune to but the Romans weren't. Rome became plagued by the measles and was left in anarchy.

Anonymous said...

Emily Robinson 7/8 BDF
I believe that the primary reasons for the downfall of Rome were because of the military and natural disasters. The military had a lot of problems because of the armor. It was really heavy so they got rid of the helmets and breast-plate. When the soldiers went to fight, most of them were dying. Now the natural disasters were very devastating. An earthquake would happen and then that would make a flood happen and then a lot of buildings would be destroyed. More people would be homeless, living on the streets.