Thursday, April 16, 2015

7th Grade/ Checks and Balances!

Homework Discussion Post [Due Friday, 4/17]:
Explain the term "Checks and Balances" and explain how the three branches of Government use it. Be sure to give one example per branch.


Anonymous said...

Anna Long
The "Checks and Balances" system was made so one branch of government couldn't overpower the others. For the legislative branch, the system comes into play when the president agrees with or vetoes the laws that they write. The legislative branch cant't just make a law that hasn't been looked over by the president. For the executive branch, the system comes into play when the judicial branch says that a law is unconstitutional. The president take the law into action without the judicial branch interpreting it first. For the judicial branch, the system comes into play when the legislative branch approves the judges that the President appoints. Someone can't become part of the judicial branch without being approved by the legislative branch.

Anonymous said...

James Hsia 4/16/15 7/8ACE
The term "checks and balances" means the ways that each branch of the government can weaken the other two branches, so no one branch can have too much power. For example, the Congress can vote to impeach the supreme court justices, or the president. The president appoints the supreme court justices, and can veto bills in the congress. The supreme court justices can proclaim the president‘s actions unconstitutional, and can also proclaim Congress‘s laws unconstitutiona.

Dylan Mezick 5-6BDF said...

The checks and balance system is so the every branch has an equal amount of power. There's the legislative branch is the congress part of the three. The executive branch is the president. Last but not least is the judical branch is more of the court branch. That is the three branches and the checks and balances.

Trevor 5&6 ACE said...

The checks and balances is a way that one of the three branches of government couldn't overpower the other two branches.The executive brach is the branch for the president.The Legislative Branch is the branch full of congress.The Judicial Branch is the brach where court comes to play.

Trevor 5 & 6 ACE said...

*5 & 6 ACE

Jered Monar said...

The three branches of government are executive, legislative and judicial. Our government is based on a system of checks and balances so that no branch of government as total control. The legislature wrights and passes the bills. The executive branch then has to sign the bills that pass in law. The judiciary determines if the laws are legal, fair and abide by the constitution.

Eve Sarbanes 7/8ACE said...

"Checks and Balances" were created so no branch of the government, legislative,executive, and judicial can overpower the others. Each branch can be limited by the other two branches and can also limit the other two branches. The executive branch can nominate Jude's for the judicial branch but the judicial branch can declare the presidents acts unconstitutional. The judicial branch (the court) can declare laws made by the legislative branch nconstsutional. But the legislative branch (senate) can secure presidents nominations and impeach judges. The legislative branch (congress) affects the executive branch by being able to impeach the president as well as control budget and approve presidential nominations. Then the executive branch limits legislative because executive branch can veto congressional legislative. That is example and whT "Checks and Balances" means.

Anonymous said...

Koby Bradshaw

The Check and balances are in place to ensure that no branch of government is to powerful.For example the legislative branch may impeach a president.The executive branch has the power to veto and call special sessions of congress. The judicial branch has the power of judicial review and can rule things unconstitutional.

Unknown said...

Checks and Balances is a term used to help all 3 branches of the government so one doesn't over power the others like one of the judicial branches is they can impeach judges. The executive branch can veto bills. The legislative branch can override the veto.
~Hannah Briggs 7/8 ACE

Anonymous said...

The term checks and balances means that every branch of the government has an equal amount of power. They made this system so that no one branch can overpower the other. The judicial branch uses it by ruling things unconstitutional. The legislative branch the power to impeach the president and the executive branch to call special meeting.

Anonymous said...

The last one was Zahra Siddiqui 4/17/15 7-8 ACE

Anonymous said...

Kevin Gutoskey
7/8 ACE

Checks and Balances is a system that was made so that no one branch of government can have more power over the others. So, specific branches of government can overrule others on certain subjects. The executive branch can appoint judges for the judicial branch but the judicial branch can overrule the president on some subjects and the legislative branch. While the legislative branch can impeach judges and secure the president's position. So overall each branch limits the other two branches. But they can only do that while also being limited by the other two branches.

Anonymous said...

The Checks and Balances was a system that was made by the goverment to make sure that no one branch of the goverment would get to powerful. There powers would check and balance out each other. For example, executive branch can veto out bills from the legislative branch but they can overide the veto if more then two-thirds of the house agree on it. The executive branch can nominate the Supreme court Justices but Congress has to approve thse nominations. The Judicial branch can also declare some laws unconstitutional.

Anonymous said...

Checks and Balences was a system that made sure that none of the branches would get too strong and overpower the others

Anonymous said...

Emma Murphy 7/8 ACE
"Checks and Balances" was a system that was created so that one branch of the government didn't get too powerful. Each branch has special things that they can do but they are limited on other things. An example for the executive branch is that the president nominates judges but the legislative branch has to confirm the president's nominations and they can impeach a judge. The judicial branch can declare both the legislative branch's laws unconstitutional and the president's acts unconstitutional. The legislative branch can also impeach the president.

Anonymous said...

Very Sorry for being late....
The " Checks and Balances," system was created so that each branch would have the same amount of power and not over power each other. The Executive Branch can appoint judges. The Judical Branch can turn down the president and the Legislative Branch. Meanwhile the Legislative Branch can impeach judges and secure the president of the United States of America.

-Evan Giordano 7/8 ACE

Anonymous said...

The term check and balances is to ensure that all power is divided up by the three branches and not all power put to one branch. First off the Legislative Branch uses this by no being able to over ride that veto on a law from the Executive branch. Second the judicial branch uses it power by finishing disputes about laws. Finally the executive branch uses it by the power to veto laws made and proposes laws to the congress.
That is how all three branches uses the Checks and Balances.

__________---RJ BATTS---__________

saul font said...

sorry I'm late but I still wanted partial points. Okay let's start, the term ''checks and balances'' are made to that every branch has a taste of power almost every second. Such as for example the legislative branch override the veto if more of the house agrees on it. But the executive branch can't do this they can only veto bills.

Anonymous said...

There are three branches of government. This is so that no one branch gets too powerful. The best example is the passage of a law. It requires a majority vote of the legislative branch, i.e. the house and senate, and then the executive branch, i.e. the president, has the power to veto it. If there are any legal questions about how it is working, the judicial branch steps in.

Aaliyah krauss. 5/6

Anonymous said...

There are three branches of government. This is so that no one branch gets too powerful. The best example is the passage of a law. It requires a majority vote of the legislative branch, i.e. the house and senate, and then the executive branch, i.e. the president, has the power to veto it. If there are any legal questions about how it is working, the judicial branch steps in.

Aaliyah krauss. 5/6

Anonymous said...

There are three branches of government. Checks and balances are so that no one branch gets too much power over other branches.

7/8 ACE

Anonymous said...

There are three branches of the government and the checks and balances are that the other people do not rule over the others with what ever they want. Rachel Burkhardt 5_6 ace

Chloe Lewis 7/8ACE said...

Checks and balances were to make sure no one of the three branches where too strong. They would make up a law and have to approve it with all of the branches before it passes.

Adam HAnes said...

There are three branches and the reason of the branches are to make sure no one gets to much power. this is like if you were an important person you wouldn't be too powerful.