Tuesday, April 7, 2015

7th Grade/ Constitutional Convention!

Homework Response Question [Due by Friday 4/10]:
What compromises emerged from the Constitutional Convention?


Anonymous said...

Anna Long
7/8 ACE
The bigger and more populous states saw things differently than the smaller and less populated states. The bigger states wanted to have more representatives for their state than the smaller states. The smaller states wanted the number of representatives to be equal and fair. To compromise they agreed to have two houses of congress. One house would have delegates according to state size, and the other would have an equal number of delegates per state.

Yousuf Alnaseri said...

The compromise was that the bigger cities wanted to have 2 houses of rep. and the smaller cites wanted to have 1 house of rep. The compromise was like Proposal A and Proposal B. One side wanted to have only one house and the other wanted to have 2 houses because they were a bigger town/city.

Anonymous said...

The Constitution is called a bundle of compromises due to the fact that delegates had to compromise key ideas. This helped create a Constitution that is fair to all of the states delegates.
Brandon Underwood 5/6 ACE

Eve Sarbanes 7/8 ACE said...

There were two different sides. We had the bigger more populated states that wanted to have the number of representatives based on population because they thought that they should have more representatives then the states with a smaller population. The states with smaller population thought that our congress should have the same number representatives from each state so all was fair and equal. They made a compromise and went right in the middle of the two. They made two Congress buildings. The lower had representatives based on your states population but in the upper house every state had the same number of representatives so all was equal. That's how they compromised.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the small towns and the big towns both have different fears. So they settled it by haveimg two houses so they both could have what they wanted.

Theresa Tribeck

Anonymous said...

Zahra Siddiqui 4/8/15 4ACE
Some of the compromises that emerged from the Constitutional Convention were the rules on how slaves were represented.The North and South also compromised on the date that the the slave trade in the US would come to an end. Another well known compromise that took place was the election of the president. And these are some examples of the compromises that took place during the Constitutional Convention.

Anonymous said...

The problem was that one state didn't wanted a king nor rules to follow because they just won for there independence. So then they built two house so it would be fair for both stats.
-Cati SilvestrePerez 5-6ACE

chloe lewis said...

well the compermise was because we had not reached 7 states to agree so we had to get a new type of goverment because we had 2 diffrent opions about thins so that is why
-chloe lewis

Chloe Lewis said...

also the states wouldnt agree with 1 porposal ove rthe over so that iswhat emerged with this compermise
-chloe lewis

Adam Hanes said...

I believe that the states would not just agree on one thing. So this leads the decision to make another proposal. And I would call it proposal d. This make the states come together and make an agreement to make things better. This led new Hampshire (me) and North Carolina (Taylor) to come together and make a decision together and prevent a war and have the idea for the colonies. So we went around telling people what we have made and got people to see what we have MADE.
-5/6 ace Mr. McCrobie

Anonymous said...

The larger states saw how the smaller ones were suffering, so A made a compromise with B to make D, where there are two houses, so the smarter poor people could be voted in

Jamie Curley 4-9-15 5/6 BDF

saul font said...

The compromise was that the states couldn't agree on one equal government or they couldn't agree from the proposals. So this lead us to go and join along, similar to what happened in class today we made an extra proposals to where we had two houses one for the large states and the small ones can be voted in.

Anonymous said...

Fiona Benn
7/8 ACE
One of the major compromises that came out of the simulation of the Constitutional Convention was what was later voted to become America's government (in our simulation). We decided on two houses, one with the number of state representatives based on population, the other with an equal number of representatives. This met almost everyone's needs and wants. That is what compromise is about, sacrificing some of your wants for the greater good.

Anonymous said...

Fiona Benn
7/8 ACE
One of the major compromises that came out of the simulation of the Constitutional Convention was what was later voted to become America's government (in our simulation). We decided on two houses, one with the number of state representatives based on population, the other with an equal number of representatives. This met almost everyone's needs and wants. That is what compromise is about, sacrificing some of your wants for the greater good.

Anonymous said...

The constitutional convention was a choice between two houses. The one that the larger states favored was the number of the states representatives based on your states population. The second was favored by the smaller states and it had an equal amount of representatives per every state. Nicholas Hogans

Anonymous said...

Some compromises that had been reached were that there should be a whole new proposal that combines A & B. And in this proposal it talks about how the smaller and bigger states worked together. In the proposal is that we should have two houses one would be based on population. The house would consist of only two people and those two would keep the states together.

------------RJ Batts-------------


In class today we saw how everyone had diffrent opinions on how the goverment should be ran but they came together and compromised just like the example in class today where we came together and all were moved to compromise and merge our thoughts to mostly all agree and I think that is what the point really was about especially to know how it felt to be in the situation of trying to figure out how compromise in this situation. ��

Anonymous said...

Koby Bradshaw

One of the compromises was they settled on a government created of two houses,one based on population and elected by the people. The other house had two senators appointed by each state. These two houses of government are know as the House Of Representatives and the Senate.

jered monar said...

The US Constitution has been called a "bundle of compromises." The Constitutional Convention in 1787 had to compromise on several things in order to create a new Constitution that was acceptable to each of the states.
The Great Compromise was a combination between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. It was decided that there would be two chambers in Congress: the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate would be based on equal representation and the House would be based on population.
The Three-fifths Compromise – The House of Representatives was based on population. The North did not want slaves to count towards representation but the South did. The compromise was known as the three-fifths compromise because every five slaves would be counted as three individuals when it comes to representation.
The Commerce Compromise – This was a compromise about tariffs on import. The North wants tariffs and the South did not. The compromise was that they would put tariffs on imports from foreign countries but not on exports from the US.
Slave Trade Compromise- The North wanted to end slave trades and the South did not want the government to interfere with slave trade. The compromise was the North agreed to wait until 1808 for Congress to ban slave trade in the US.
Compromise for the Election of the President - Some felt the president should be popularly elected but others disagreed. They compromised on the creation of an electoral college – the citizens vote for electors that then vote for the president.

Anonymous said...

James Hsia

The more populous states wanted the representatives to be based on population. The less populous states wanted all states' representatives to be equal. So, they came up with the compromise of having two houses in the legislative branch: one based on the state's population, and the other have equal amounts of representatives.

Anonymous said...

Trate Underwood 7-8 ACE
In our class we had a few compromises one was that we would have to houses that make up the government. One house is based off of the population of each state. The more people the more representatives per state. In the other house it is based off of each state has the same amount of representatives. Then the second compromise was communism.

Dylan Mezick 5-6 ACE said...

The populous states wanted representatives to be based on population. But smaller sates thought that it should be equal for each state. So they came up with a compromise 2 houses one based on population the other with equal amount of reps.

Anonymous said...

The New Jersey Proposal suggested that all states had an equal number of representatives from each state. The Virginia Proposal suggested that each states number of representatives should depend on the states population. The convention reached a compromise to have two houses. One house had a set number of representatives, the same as every other state. The second house would have it's number of representatives dependent in the states population.

-Anisah Khattak 7/8 ACE

Anonymous said...

Kevin Gutoskey 7/8 ACE

In the Constitutional Convention, there were many mixed opinions about how the government should be run and who has more power over others. But the issue was that many people were giving their input and it was extremely difficult to reach an agreement. They would have to compromise. The representatives took input from each other and pretty much formed a new plan that made as many people happy as possible. There would be two houses. One with representatives for each state depending on its population and another where every state had an equal number of representatives. They would take information from both houses when forming a rule, law, or other important government task. This was the compromise that was agreed upon.

Anonymous said...

The way the convention compromised was that they would have two houses, one where they would have a number of representatives from each state based upon population of the state and another where every state has the same number of representatives or delegates so its all equal and fair. The two houses would work together in a happy sort of way to form a beautiful country.
Felipe Calderon 7/8 ACE

Anonymous said...

Emma Murphy 7/8 ACE
At the Constitutional Convention delegates couldn't agree on which proposal to pass, Proposal A or Proposal B. Proposal A said that each state got their number of representatives based off of population. Proposal B said that all states got an equal amount of representatives. There was a Proposal C but no states voted for it. Since the delegates couldn't pick one proposal to pass we had to compromise. The compromise that got the most votes was the Alternative Proposal. This proposal said that there were two houses. One house would have representatives based off of population and the other had an equal number of representatives.

Aaliyah Krauss said...

The smaller cities saw things very differently. The smaller ones only wanted one house and the the larger cities wanted two houses. So they compromise they would have two houses. One based on population and the other would have an equal number of reps.

Anonymous said...

The congress couldn't decide between proposal A or proposal B. Proposal A was were each state got their number of representatives, based off of population. Proposal B was were all states got equal amount of representatives no matter the size or population. Now most people would choose B because it sounds fair and equal. There was a proposal C but it got no votes. Since it was a tie, they decided to make a compromise. One house would have representative based on population than the other one had an equal number of representatives.

Trevor Pusey 5&6 Period said...

One of the compromises was settled by the government because of two houses and the other was about population.The other house had two senates appointed by each state.The two houses are now known of the house of representatives and the senate.

Anonymous said...

Chloe Davis
The compromises that emerged from the constitutional convention was between the small states and the large states. One house would be made up of representatives. The number of representatives allowed from each state was based on how many people lived in that state. Larger states would have more. Smaller states would have less. It would be called the House of Representatives. The other house would be called a Senate. It would be made up of an equal number of representatives from each state.

Anonymous said...

the compromises that emerged from the constitutional convention were between the small and large states.representatives were made of one house. the number of people in one state allowed a certain number of representatives.

7/8 ACE

Anonymous said...



The compromise that came out of the convention was the number of representatives and senators in each house. They reaches a comprise that said that in the House of Representatives, the number of representatives would count on the population of each state. The number of senators in the House of the Senate would be 2 for each state.