Wednesday, April 22, 2015

7th Grade/ Farewell Address!

Homework Response Question:
In your opinion, did Washington's warning in his farewell address come true? Explain!


Anonymous said...

James Hsia
7/8 ACE
In my opinion, Washington‘s warning did come true. He said that the parties, or "factions" would impede the government‘s functions. He is right. The people in the parties are too power hungry, so they don‘t even try to see reason in the other party, even though they might be right. Also, they are fiercely competitive, so they can‘t even make the smallest decisions without an argument, and sometimes even don't make a decision. Also, Americans have piled up debt after debt, which increases instability, despite his warning.

Unknown said...

Yes they have come true because political parties are having feuds within the government, but I think his foreign alliances section was wrong because all the time we go to war to help other countries like Syria and in that process we save millions of lives and gain a better friendship with those countries.But his public credit and debt was kind of right kind of wrong because we use taxes today to help our country afford to redo roads build public buildings like schools, etc... So the taxes are helpful but the debt is biting our country in the butt so many people can't afford clothes,shelter, FOOD for that matter because of debt. This is my opinion on George Washingtons farewell address.

Yousuf said...

I Think it did come true because there were many people that liked him because of what he did to the village and I think a lot of people liked that he did that because it gave them freedom. And Washington was the leader of the war that they fought and they won the war. So I think his farewell address came true.

Eve Sarbanes 7/8 ACE said...

Yes, Washington's farewell warning has come true in my opionion, because he warned about the parties having "feuds." Which was correct because now they do impede the government and they don't get along with one another. So debates are more of a battlefield between parties then a debate. They also are hungry for victories in election each one wants to basically have a all of there representatives the same party as them. This leads to more arguing. That is why it has come true.

Anonymous said...

I would say yes his warning did become true because now if you see during the election they have a presidential debate which is really just turning the power thirsty parties on each other. Also too he did say that the parties would just make the election even harder than it is which is true. Since they have had the debate it just makes it harder to vote because you really find out the background about the guy like what he has done and even what he used to believe. So that's why I believe his farewell warning came true.

- Evan Giordano
7/8 ACE

Anonymous said...

I believe that Washington's warning did come true since he warned that if political parties were established then the country would revert to a state of dominance by one party or interest. Today the parties are power hungry and are arguing with each other, slowing down the decision making process, just as Washington predicted. They are fighting and they kind of split the country which Washington advised not to happen when the country under went war.
-Felipe Calderon 7/8 ACE

Anonymous said...

Emma Murphy 7/8 ACE
In my opinion Washington's warning in his farewell address did come true because he talked about how political parties may work in some countries but for our kind of government he doesn't recommend it. I feel like this was a good warning because political parties are always arguing about everything it seems like. The parties can't ever seem to agree on anything and it seems like they just want to be difficult. They can be very stubborn about a lot of things and in elections they always want their party to be the representatives for everything. That is why I think Washington's warning came true.

Trevor Pusey 5&6 said...

In my opinion I think Washingtons warning in his farewell address did come true because when he talked about the political parties who sometimes go to work in different countries.Now the parties (Republicans and Democrats and some others)are arguing about who should do what and what should happen just like Washington predicted.

Dylan Mezick 5-6ACE said...

I think his farewell address came true because he talked about how the political parties may work in other countries but not in his country. I think he is saying it wouldn't work because all the parties would cause more trouble. This is why Washington's warning in his farewell address came true.

Anonymous said...

Anna Long
7-8 BDF
I think that Washington's warning was already coming true when he made his speech. He had thought that political parties would cause disagreements among the states and end up splitting the country.

Anonymous said...

Zahra Siddiqui 4/29/15 4 BDF
I believe that Washington warnings did come true. Though the warning did come true but I believe that more work and cooperation would have prevented it.

Anonymous said...

I think his farewell address came true because he talked about how the political parties may work in other countries but not in his. Washington's warning was already coming true when he made his speech. He had thought that political parties would cause disagreements among the states and end up splitting the country.

Aaliyah krauss 5/6

Anonymous said...

I think his warning was already coming true at the time he gave his speech. I say this because he thought political parties wuld cause disagreements among states and end up splitting up the country.

7/8 ACE

Chloe Lewis said...

i think his farewell address did come true because the goverment has fueds with the potical parties. The polical party do help like he said they would.

Anonymous said...

Koby Bradshaw

I think his farewell address did come true because political parties are having feuds within the government. He spoke of unity in the address and warned of foreign dangers. I think the country did unite to create the constitution and the declaration of independence.

Anonymous said...

Jamison Harbinson 5/6 ACE
His farewell warning did come true because in it, he talked about how poticial parties could work in other countries but he doesn't recommend it with our country. His warning though his warning came true, they should have worked together and cooperated together better, they could have prevented it (warning).

Anonymous said...

Trate Underwood
7-8 ACE
His warning did come true because he warned us not to get too much into debt and to pay it off but today we are in debt with about 1 billion dollars. So we really didn't listen to him. He also said to not be enemies with any other nation and we were enemies with Vietnam for a little while and even Japan during Wolrd War II.

Anonymous said...

Yes it did come true because he warned us not to get into a big debate and to pay him and we did not listen and the two countries should have worked togethrt not fight rachel burkhardt 5-6 ace

saul font said...

Sorry this is late again but miss Hilton told us we had no homework but i'll like to answer anyway. But anyway Washington's warning did come true I know this because many people still trusted him and they went through the hard times in the past all together.

Adam Hanes said...

Washington's warning did come true because they were having fights or feuds when they should have been working together. And because he said we should not get to much in debt but we didn't listen and we were in debt.