Wednesday, April 8, 2015

8th Grade/ Architecture!

Homework Response Question [Due by Friday, 4/10/15]:
Compare Greece and Rome to the Architecture in Washington D.C. How are they similar? What architectural elements do you see in each?


Anonymous said...

Emily Robinson 7/8 BDF
The Greece and Rome Architecture is very similar to some of the buildings in Washington D.C. There are columns in so many buildings in D.C. including the Capitol building. The white house also has some Greek and Roman influences.

Anonymous said...

Greece and Rome's agriculture was similar to Washington's agriculture in many different ways. Washington's agriculture was mostly taken from Greece and Rome. They both have the columns and the frieze. Some of the buildings still have the triangular roof.

Maryam alnaseri
5/6 bdf

Anonymous said...

julianna sterling
5/6 bdf
The architecture in Greece and Rome are similar of that in Washington D.C. because both have columns, a frieze that wraps around the structure, and a pediment that has some form of art or statue. They also both use doric, ionic, and corinthian columns.

Anonymous said...

The architecture with Greece and Rome are very similar to Washington D.C. because they both used columns, frieze, and a pediment. The frieze has art on it and the columns can be doric,ionic,or Corinthian witch all mean something different

Tahli Chesnutt 5/6 bdf

Anonymous said...

Greece and Rome's architecture is similar to Washington DC's architecture. Washington DC's architecture has the struture such as the frieze and columns. Not many pediments are seen, but you can definitely see columns and friezes. The friezes also have art and texture just like the Rome and Greece's friezes.
JinJoo Lee ~BDF 7,8

Anonymous said...

Similarities between the architecture of Greece and Rome can be seen all around Washington D.C. For example, the front of the White House has similar features as the Pantheon. They have high rised pillars holding up a pointed roof/ceiling. Another similarity can be seen at the Pantheon and the Supreme Court Building because both have friezes with inscriptions and pediments.

Anonymous said...

The shape and design of the building in D.C. are similar to those that were in Rome and Greece. Also, they both have the columns and the frieze in the buildings. Some very few even still have the triangular shape top that the Ancient Greek and Roman had in theirs.

-Haris Amir

Anonymous said...

Kade Johnson 5/6 bdf

The architecture in Rome and Greece is very similar to the structures in Washington D.C. They are similar because both structures have the same triangular pediment, the same frieze that wraps around the whole building with symbols. Also, they each have columns. All of the different types of columns are used, Doric, Ionic and Corinthian.

Anonymous said...

Sayuri Velazco 7/8 BDF
The architecture in Ancient Greece and Washington dc are very similar. They both have a frieze that wraps around the entire building and a pediment as the roof's design. The pediment usually has art carved into it. They both have columns of different designs. They can be either Corinthian, Doric, or ionic. Doric is the most simple and is based on science and balance. The ionic design has a swirl to it. The Corinthian design is more artistic. The Greek's design is very basic and efficient and that is probably why that is the main structure of most buildings now.

Unknown said...

The Greek and roman archritecture were similar they both have a frieze And both use columns in their buildings. The columns can have Doric,Corinthian,or ionic. Washington, D.C. also used the same archritecture as the Greeks and Romans did. The white house has columns in front. The capital building has a frieze as well. Many buildings have a frieze or columns but very few have a pendiment. the design of the Greeks and Romans archritecture are artistic, simple,and sufficient.

Anonymous said...

The Greek and Roman agriculture in Washington D.C are similar in many ways. Both have buildings in which are built with columns, friezes and pediments. There are different kinds of columns. There is the Corinthian, Doric, and Ionic.
-Emily Hanes

Anonymous said...

Greco-Roman architecture and modern government buildings have major similarities and some could easily say that they were modeled after Greek structures. the columns are mainly Doric or ionic and basic frieze is added however only some have the pediment on top and most that do only have a very small one. there are many more similarities and differences exist but the basic design of the exterior of the buildings is modeled after Greek styles

-Alexander Patterson
B,D,F 7/8

Anonymous said...

They are similar in a lot of ways. They both have buildings that have pediments, columns, and friezes. They both have doric, ionic, and corinthian columns. -Dylan Bennish 78BDF

Anonymous said...

ottilie Amtsberg

The architecture in Rome is similar to D.C. They both use columns, statues and buildings to represent something important to them.

Anonymous said...

Mircole Lacson 7/8BDF
Washington D.C's buildings do have some similarity to the Greek buildings. Like the Lincoln memorial I believe has Doric columns outside the memorial. Also, there is a building in D.C that has the dome roof. I think that's from Greece too.

Anonymous said...

Saige Oechsli PD.7/8 BDF

Greek and Roman architecture are very similar to the architecture to buildings in Washington D.C. (such as the capitol building). They each have things like columns, domes, friezes, and pentinents. Some have engravings, sculptures, and differing columns (such as Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian) They can also share purposes such as religion, judicial matters, or perhaps even a library.

Anonymous said...

collin sokola

they are the same because they all have pillars and friezes.

Anonymous said...

In Washington DC, there are large stone building with arches and columns. Each column also has different bases of the column, like Rome and Greece. This shows how Washington DC, Rome, and Greece have similar architecture.

Sarah Runge
7/8 BDF

Anonymous said...

Greek and roman architecture are very similar to the architect to buildings in Washington d.c because they all have pediments, frieze, and columns. The columns are designed differently and they used ionic, Doric, Corinthian

Brandon scholl

Anonymous said...

Roman and Greek architecture are very similar to he architect in Washington DC because they all have pediments ‚columns and frieze.

Robert Stuetz
5/6 BDF

Anonymous said...

Rome and Greek architecture are very much alike Washington D.C. The all have colums,pediments, frieze. There differently used with Doric, Ionic,Corinthian.

Tyler Dodd 7-8 bdf