Wednesday, April 22, 2015

8th Grade/ Feudal Society!

Homework Response Question:
How would society during a Zombie Apocalypse compare to Feudal Society in the middle ages?


Anonymous said...

in the zombie apocalypse you would all be split into tasks such as guards farmers cooks etc... and you would be lead by a or group of leaders who are forced to make the groups tough decisions. feudal society will be based around a similar self-sustaining system in which they separate power and all try to survive under the threats of famine plague infestations internal fighting and external fighting.

Anonymous said...

^ the comment above this is mine I forgot my name sorry

Alexander Patterson BDF per.7/8

Anonymous said...

During the Zombie Apocalypse, there would be a small area or town etc. and there would be different jobs and tasks everyone had to do in order to live and keep the remaining population alive. They would be lead by their leaders or scouts to keep everything under control and in tact. This is similar to the Feudal Society because in the middle ages has done similar things such as assigning different tasks to different levels of power and money. The serfs/ servants would mostly get the most tasks to do.
Jin Joo Lee ~ BDF 7,8

Anonymous said...

I think there would be a lot of similarities between Feudal Society and during a Zombie Apocalypse. Everyone would have to fend for themselves and survive independently. The only thing that may be able to put us ahead of Feudal Society in the middle ages would be the government and our advanced technology. I think we would be able to create safe havens for those unaffected and also be able to run tests to potentially find a cure.

Anonymous said...

Dylan Bennish
In the Feudal Society, the amount of work and how much people would be respected would be similar to a Zombie group. Jobs are leaders, farmers (peasants), and knights/runners. The runners would get more respect than the farmers and the leader would get more respect than everyone else. Bad stuff have in the Feudal Society like diseases, bugs, etc, like it would in the Zombie Apocalypse.

Anonymous said...

In a Society during a Zombie Apocalypse everyone had a specific job and a specific task that they must do to survive.Jobs like cooks, hunter, a fighter etc. They would also be lead by a group of leaders. A Feudal Society in the middle ages is similar because they based their job selections on your rankings and wealth. The serfs would probably have more to do while the nobles,who were knowledgeable people,do less.

Maryam Alnaseri 5/6 BDF

Anonymous said...

collin sokola

in a zombie apocalypse you would have to do your own work. and survive by yourself. just like a feudal society

Anonymous said...

A society during a Zombie Apocalypse compares to Feudal Society in the middle ages because, it would be very dangerous, unsafe, and hard to survive during a Zombie Apocalypse. During the middle ages, Feudal Society was a separation from "others." This could be a threat to the society because it will make it harder to survive from the separation.

Rachel Arion 5/6 bdf

Anonymous said...

Kade Johnson 5/6 bdf

A society during a zombie apocalypse would compare to a feudal society by the way they select jobs. Each society would assign different jobs to different people to keep it running. If the leader died, the next superior person will take charge. These are the similarities between how a society in a zombie apocalypse and a feudal society would work

Anonymous said...

The fuedlism is like the zombie apocolips because of the lack of food when there is low food the stronger and more important people stay alive leaving the weak to die.

Anonymous said...

In a zombie apocalypse it would relate to a middle age fuedal survival because you would have to solve the problems relatively quick to make sure the society is strong and will stay strong. -john maguire 7-8 bdf

Anonymous said...

A zombie apocalypse relates to the feudal society in the middle ages because you would have to have to solve the problems more quickly. Also assign different jobs for the different society's.
Rⓞⓑⓔⓡⓣ Sⓣⓤⓔⓣⓩ
5/6 BDF

Anonymous said...

Julianna Sterling 5/6 bdf
A zombie apocalypse would be very similar to Feudal Society because in both there would be a main leader in charge and after that there would be a few leaders, then the normal people like in a Feudal Society there is a King, then Nobles, then Knights, then Serfs.
Also it would be similar because your main job is survival.

Anonymous said...

The feudal system and the apocalypse have many similarities. Both have everyone having important jobs. A job where everyone has to count on and trust each other to survive and make a living.
~Mircole Lacson 7/8 BDF

Anonymous said...

Sayuri Velazco Period: 7/8 BDF
A feudal society is a way to rank people in social classes. There is the king, then nobles, then Knights, and finally the serfs or peasants. In a zombie apocalypse there would also be a "leader" or king to run the "government" and keep everyone safe. The leader or King would also assign a job and responsibility to every single person. The assignment they get is based on their abilities such as their strengths and weaknesses. This will define what rank they are in the social class or feudal society. Just like it would in the government during a zombie apocalypse. Everyone depends on everyone else in both cases and no matter what social class you are, you will always be needed.

Anonymous said...

Saige Oechsli PD.7/8 BDF SORRY IF THIS IS LATE :(

A Feudal Society would be similar to a zombie apocalypse in the way everyone has to work together in order to survive. The peasants and serfs (everyday people) grow food and craft things for themselves and others. The knights (similar to those who go out and search for supplies and defend against the zombies) fight for their manor. Everyone in the community depends on them to do their job right, to keep them safe. The nobles and lords (sort the second in command) execute the kings orders, who keeps everything in order and makes sure everyone is in line. If anyone decided to go against the community, it would mean the end for them, because they could have meant the end of everyone else. (in both situations; feudal or zombie)

Anonymous said...

A feudal society and a zombie apocalypse is similar because of the roles played by each person. There are simialr roles played in both of them and if one person isn't doing there job the whole society might fall, so it's important everyone does there job
Brandon Scholl

Unknown said...

Both are similar. They are similar because of the roles played. If one person isn't doing what there supposed to be doing then the society could fall.
Tyler Dodd 7-8 bdf

Anonymous said...

In an apocalypse people would have jobs much like in feudal society. you had serfs(farmers) and knights(protectors). And people would want as much as needed much like thoose times.

Anonymous said...

A feudal society would be similar to a zombie apocolypse because in both we would be split up into different groups of work. Also, it would be similar because there would be rankings of different people in both. Overall, the two would be very similar problems such as if one person goes against it, it will cause trouble for all.

-Haris Amir 5-6 BDF