Tuesday, May 5, 2015

7th Grade/ Point of View!

Homework Response Question:
Write a paragraph from the point of view of either a slave, plantation owner, or white planter without slaves. 


Anonymous said...

I choose being a plantation owner. Every day I get up early to get my slave up to start working. I still do a lot of work that the slave don't do like washing clothes, selling crops and making sure that no slaves escape, and if they do they will wake up earlier, work harder and don't get as much food as they will be used too. Brandon Underwood 5/6 ACE

Anonymous said...

I am a plantation owner, I wake up every day and make sure my slaves are doing the outdoor work. while I take care of my family. I make sure my slaves are well fed and clothed. My thoughts are if I treat my slaves with dignity they will be better workers and care takers for my family. Many other plantation owners would disagree with my kindness.

Koby Bradshaw 5/6 ACE

Taylor Moss said...

I am a slave and I don't get much freedom. I have to be careful where I am because some areas are more strict than others. I am pretty much owned by someone else. Can you imagine what it is like to have someone control you like a puppet and make all decisions for you? For work during the week we pick it in the field or do whatever our owner wants us to. We often get split up from any family we have had. My plantation owner treats me well but i have limitations. I can only go so far but my plantation owner has to be near. Other slaves think I'm fortunate to have such a nice plantation owner considering theirs beats and whips them. I pray everyday that one day when the wind is whistling and the birds are chirping I will be free.

Dylan Mezick 5-6ACE said...

I am a plantation owner I wake up every morning at 6 sharp. I have to make sure that all of my slaves are up and fed and dressed. Then I wake my family up for breakfast. Then ask the slaves work i watch over them to make sure that they don't escape. Then after a hard days work i give my family dinner then I put my family to sleep. Then I check on my crops to make sure the slaves did work if not they don't get dinner. Then I give them dinner. Then the slaves sleep until the next day for some more work.

Aaliyah Krauss said...

I am a slave and I don't get much freedom.For work during the week we pick it in the field or do whatever our owner wants us to. We often get split up from our family. I also don't get to go ten feet away from my owner. I also get treated very well but i am limited.

Anonymous said...

It was early morning and the white man unlocked the door to the room of many of us. He yelled "Get up slaves." We get up and then we are rallied in to the fields like cows. We had to harvest the wheat. then at the end of the day he forgot to feed us.

__________RJ Batts____________

Chloe Lewis 7/8 ACE said...

I choose a plantation owner. I wake up early to get my slave up. They make there bed and clean the house then i send them outside and do there harvesting r planting or picking job they have a lot of responibility to do. On the other hand i just make sure they dont rome or leave. I paied a lot for the slave so now it is mine.

Anonymous said...

It was a hot, tiresome day in the fields when they took my family. The white man says that I have to work or they will be killed. These past six long years I have been working to buy my freedom and get my family back. The white man beats us and sometimes doesn't feed us. How I long to once again see my family.

David Barrett

Trevor Pusey 5/6 ACE said...

It's really hot outside,I'm suffering through and getting cuts on my hand from the thorns when I'm picking crops and cotton.Mr.Owner says that if I don't do all my work I'm supposed to do today,he gonna kill my family.He won't even let me sing while I'm working.Singing helps me get through the day so I like to do it.He barely feeds us and my belly is going gurgle gurgle and grobble grobble!I need some food in my belly or I'll starve to death.I hope things clear up sooner for us and maybe someday I'll be free but I can just hope and follow my dreams.

saul font said...

I was absent but I'll answer the best possible!!

If I was chosen to do something I would be a plantation owner. I wake up early to wake up my slaves and make them get to work (like the army). I would always wake up and make sure the slaves did what they had to, I would check their field work, the crops and etc. I would also beat them if they didn't work, but I would feed my family and take them to bed safely. Ending the day with happiness, a goal complete, swet and tears.

Anonymous said...

well if was a slave I would be mad and upset because all day I will have to work all day no matter what the weather is like or anything and you do not get feed that much and it would just be a really hard and sad life Rachel burkhardt 5-6 ace

Adam Hanes said...

I am a slave that has been forced to be treated terrible and work on a plantation. I have to do this because u am a different color than "they" are.
I have been forced and treated like an animal. Because the people in the south just want slaves and they need workers so now they have free workers that they can sell for money or beat to death. I have also myself been through the whipping process and it should be for no person to be beaten like that. I believe that there is no need for this behavior and that the "whites" should be punished.