Monday, May 11, 2015

7th Grade/ Tensions Between North and South!

Homework Response Post [Due Friday, 5/15/15]:
Brainstorm, and explain three tensions between the North and South that could have led to the Civil War.


Unknown said...

Slavery was a tension during the civil war because the south needed free labor because they needed someone to care for and harvest their crops which got them money. The south wanting to leave the union was also a big tension because the union was they entire United States and the south kind of wanted each state to follow there own laws and not have to follow the union's. The independence for confederacy was also a huge tension.

~ hannah briggs

Anonymous said...

The three reasons of the civil war are 1 the south wanted to keep slavery but the north didn't. 2 the south didn't have as much as the north. 3 the south was basically based on slave labor and they still needed it. That is why the civil war started. Nicholas Hogans

Eve Sarbanes 7/8 ACE said...

The biggest thing in my opion were that the South needed slaves to work there plantations but didn't want/have the money to actually pay them so hey were basically getting free workers. The North however didn't like slavery. Another tension was when they elected Abraham Lincoln, so people from the South believed that it was an unfair presidency because Lincoln was against slavery. So they thought he was more caring of the North and the South, basically on the Norths side. The third tension was the many abolitionists who began to appear. Many Northern people were so against slavery they became abolitionist which put a wall up between the North and the South bevause they were very mad at the way the South was treating slaves. Those are three tensions between the north and the south that I think may have lead to the civil war.

Anonymous said...

I think that one thing the might have led to the war was the slavery issue. The north wanted freedom while the south wanted slaves. The north also had a lot more money than the south. The last thing is the number of free states and the enslaved states. If the number of one gets out of hand the congress has more of one side voting. If someone voted against slavery, all of the north will say yes to that and the south states would say no to that. Brandon Underwood 5/6 ACE

Anonymous said...

James Hsia 5-14-15 7/8 ACE
There were many things that created tension between the north and the south. The first was the economy, specifically the tariffs. The tariffs made it so that foriegn goods were more expensive, so the south had to buy goods from the north. South Carolina immediately passed a nullifying law that almost caused war, before they compromised and lowered the cost of the tariff.
The second thing was the huge problem of slavery. The south wanted to keep slavery and let it spread to the other territories. However, in the north, abolitionists and Quakers wanted to either stop slavery or keep it from spreading to new states.The case of Dred Scott, Bleeding Kansas, the attack on Harper's Ferry, and the Fugitive Slave Act only made the situation worse. Even several compromises didn't fix the problem.

The last straw was the presidential election of 1860. For the republicans was Abraham Lincoln, a man against the spread of slavery. The southerners threatened to secede from the union if Lincoln won the election. The democrats split into two camps, north and south. In the north, Stephen Douglas went against Lincoln. In the south, the democrat John C. Breckenridge went against John Bell, a third party candidate. When the election ended, Lincoln won with 59 percent of the electoral vote. Even before Lincoln was officially sworn in as president, seven southern states seceded from the union, followed by four more later. It was time for war.

Anonymous said...

Anna Long
One of the biggest tensions between the North and the South was slavery. The North didn't believe that slavery was right, when the South believed that slavery was a good thing that was of no cost. Another problem between the two sides was the Nullification Crisis. The South declared a law invalid without talking with the North. A third issue was presidential elections. If a president was for slavery, the North would be mad, and if the president was against slavery, the South would be mad.

Anonymous said...

I think one of the biggest tensions that led up to the civil war was slavery. The northern states did not like slavery. The south felt that the north did not understand because they did not have farms that needed workers. Another tension was the underground railroad. Basically the southern plantation owners did not like that slaves could just run away to the north and be free. Last but not least, there was the economy. The South's economy was held together with the salve trade. as the price of cotton grew, so did the value of their slaves. They could not let them go.
-Anisah 7/8 ACE

Anonymous said...


One reason the Civil war started was because of slavery. The South main profit were slaves. Most of the money Southners earned were from slaves. They were the ones who worked themselves to the bones in the fields. The North wanted to abolish slavery. That was one of the reasons that the Civil War occured. Another reason is because of John Brown. He was an infamouse abolitionist. He was a very violent man who went on raids to free slaves. He went to far when the death toll began to rise because of him. Abraham Lincoln's election was another reason the Civil war started. His presdential run threatened the South's economy. Abrahm Lincoln did not like slaves so the South viewed him as threat to their money. One more reason is because of The Missouri Compromise. The new states that had begun to appear became non-slavery states. That made the South to get mad. These events and others made the line between the North and South snap and thus, war began.

Anonymous said...

Kevin Gutoskey
7/8 ACE

I think that there were many contributing factors to the Civil War. But there were three main things that stood out to me from the moderately long list. The first event is just slavery in general. The North and South were divided on this because the South thought that slavery should be permitted in America and the North thought that it should not. The second event is the debate about the states' right. This is basically an argument about whether or not states should be able to legalize slavery in their own indivivual state on their own or not. The last event is the election of Abraham Lincoln. When Abe was elected as president, the South feared that one of his acts as president would be to abolish slavery in America. I believe that Lincoln being elected was the deciding factor for the South.

Chloe Lewis said...

The three main tentions between the north and south were slavery and the work that they did. They will debate about the slaves because of the diffrent way the believed. Some people that were founding father believe in slavery.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the main three tensions that caused the civil war were mostly based off slavery. The south wanted slaves because they were free labor and the plantation owners made mad money without any work from they being done. Also the presidential election may have been a bust too because Abraham Lincoln was elected for office but Lincoln was against slavery witch made the south furious. I also believe the last major tension pulled was how the south wanted to leave the U.S. union. I believed those three major tension helped greatly with the start of the civil war.

- Evan Giordano
7/8 ACE

Anonymous said...

Trate Underwood
Three tensions that happened where the Missouri Compromise which happened because Missouri wanted slaves but they were breaking how there was an equal amount of free and slave states so they made the compromise that states above a certain line were free but below they are slave states.
The second tension is the Kansas-Nebraska Act which gave those states the right to vote to see if they were free or slave.
The next tension is that Abraham Lincoln was elected to be president because he is 100%against slavery so he will fight to abolish it.

Anonymous said...

Emma Murphy 7/8 ACE
One of the biggest tensions between the North and the South that could have led to the Civil War is slavery. Most of the people in the North were against slavery while most of the people in the South were for slavery. The South needed slavery to help them with their farms so that they could just make profit instead of having to pay their workers. Another tension that could have led to the Civil War was that most of the North was industrialized while the South relied on farming for jobs. This could have distanced the North and South out even more. Finally, a third tension that could have led to the Civil War was whether or not some states should be part of the North or the South. This fight over land could also have been very important to the start of the Civil War.

saul said...

I know for sure that the civil war started because of slavery. How many southern wanted the north to turn into slavery worlds and the north wanted the south to be slavery free. Also many states argued about being north or south, some wanted and didn't want to be considered south due to slavery. For the last tension many states argued about giving others the right to vote for free or non free African-Americans.

Anonymous said...

In my opion were that the South needed slaves to work there plantations but didn't want/have the money to actually pay them so hey were basically getting free workers.The north didn't like slavery so that led up to the civil war because they had different perspectives.

Aaliyah Krauss 5/6ace

Anonymous said...

The south needed people to care for their crops and free labor.

Anonymous said...

Zahra Siddiqui 5/20/15 7-8 ACE
There are many tensions that could have lead to the Civil War, here are three. There was the South's denial to slave rights, breaking of federal laws by the South, the opinion of the president,the slaves who escaped to the North from the South, and many other reasons.

Trevor Pusey said...

The south wanted to keep slavery but the north didn't.Also the presidential election because of the decisions being made between the two electives.Last of all the states could not make a decision on whether or not African Americans would be able to vote for a president.

Anonymous said...

There were many tensions between the North and South. North did not believe in slavery and South did. Therefor slaves would (or would try to) escape to the North from the South. The South had also broken federal laws and theres also the opoinion of the president.

Morgan Larkin
7/8 ACE

Anonymous said...

Rachel burkhardt 5-6 ace

there were many things different about the north and the south like for example one wanted slavery and the other did not and some people had there own opion on who they wanted for president. the south also had the broken laws and fedrels. so there were many differences between the 2

Adam Hanes said...

A reason of tension might be because that north wanted no slaves and the south wanted slavery. Another might be because they had different president choices. And maybe because they think that they are the right people and no one else is. So maybe it is because of political reasons or just plain slavery and arguing.