Tuesday, May 12, 2015

8th Grade/ Fact v. Legend?

Homework Response Post [Due by Fri. 5/15]:
How do historians decide what is fact and what is legend?


Anonymous said...

Historians tell facts from lagend is that they observe what they have find clues and see if some of the objects and places ever existed and the rest is what they piece together.
Christine cooper 5-6 bdf

Anonymous said...

They have to keep looking into it and finding the most important clues to determine whether it is fake or a real legend. They have to put all of the clues together and figure out the truth.
Brandon Scholl

Anonymous said...

Historians look at the facts and clues. They do a lot of research and once they get enough information, they can combine all the elements together and figure out the answer, but this isn't a fast process. Historians look into each clue carefully and study them one by one, so they can get a good result.
~JinJoo Lee 7/8 BDF

Laila Libertin 7/8 BDF said...

When historians are trying to enumerate whether something is a fact or whether or a legend they have to find facts and resources. HIstorians are trying to enumerate whether the was a real Robin Hood or if it was just a tale. In a documentary I watched the historians went all the way too the first time name Robin Hood was mentioned. I think thats part of the process they also have to determine if what happened or what was said on the past was reliable or really occurred. After that they look for other resources that back up that one resource. Then after they have finished all their data and information they take a look at the overall picture and make the decision. Whether it's a fact or a legend?

Anonymous said...

Dylan Bennish
Historians decided what is fact and legend by taking what evidence/clues they can find and they piece everything together to make a conclusion. Once they come to the conclusion, they decide if it makes sense or is very possible that it happened. If it doesn't seem realistic, it's legend. If it seems very positive, it's fact (they think).

Unknown said...

Historians tell fact from fiction by analyzing all of the factors of the situation and determining what exactly they are studying. If they cannot find all of the clues and identify everything they are faced with then it is fiction.

Anonymous said...

When historians try to differ between facts or legends, they try to look at solid evidence. Whether that means they have archeologists try to find solid, physical proof, or they try to find documents from that time in history. They have to be careful when looking at documents because some may not be reliable. They have to use primary sources so their conclusions can be as accurate as possible. This is a long process, but the outcome is worth it.
Hannah Burchard

Anonymous said...

collin sokola

Historians used primary sources mainly but also used some secondary sources. primary source examples are like written descriptions from people that were at the event they are writing about.

Anonymous said...

Mircole Lacson 7/8BDF
Historians decide the fact and legend if there is a lot of evidence to back it up. If there is many facts and documents and records, they decide that there is a lot of clues and evidence and assume that it's fact. But if there is little evidence and the only clue of their existence is stories and songs, they'll assume they are legend.

Anonymous said...

Sayuri Velazco
Period: 7/8 BDF

Historians tell fact from legend by analyzing my sources. They use only primary sources because they are more reliable than secondary sources. An example of a primary source would be a journal entry from someone that was living during that time period. They analyze all the sources very carefully and make sure there is enough to support their answer. Then they state their conclusions based on what they gathered.

Anonymous said...

Many historians depend on primary sources to help give them clues about what they are investigating. They also use evidence they find and try to link them to what they know. If they can prove the clues right then they will assume that it is a definite fact. If it is a legend then they will not be able to link it to a proven fact.

Maryam Alnaseri
5-6 bdf

Anonymous said...

Most historian will basically take what they can get. Mostly they try to get primary sources to base their work off of but also some one the time they will use secondary sources that can be very reliable or backed up by other information/fact. When trying to prove something is either fact or legend they must consider many things such as what aspects of the "legend" can be proved also trying to dig for more information or the "root" of the legend. they will also try to connect the legend with something they already have proved to make it easier to convince people what they know is right.

Marilyn Chen 7/8 BDF

Anonymous said...

Makayla Joseph
Historians look at all the evidence to decide whether it is fact or a myth and whatever the evidence that they found proves is whether it is fact or myth.

Anonymous said...

Kade Johnson 5/6 bdf

Historians decide what is a fact or a legend by the clues and records that prove if its true or not. If they analyze sources closely they will find out if the clues are true or not.

Anonymous said...

Historians tell fact from friction by. A fact by the clues that are already given to them. Which would see if its true or false. If they take a lot of time to look at an at it artifact and the clues it will not be true. So that's how historians tell Fact from Fiction.
Robert Stuetz

Anonymous said...

John maguire

Historians decide on this by investigating. If they can find legitimate evidence then they can call it a fact. But if they cant find anything about it then they have to classify it as a myth

Anonymous said...

The tell if it's a fact or a myth by investigating. They have to gather clues. If they don't have enough evidence then it's classified as a myth
Tyler Dodd
7-8 bdf

Anonymous said...

To determine wheather something is facat or legend they do it based on how much eviddence they have. Like if they were to have alot of primary sources then it would be labeled fact. However if there is little evidence and they are secondary it will be a legend

Haris Amir 5-6 BDF