Monday, January 12, 2015

7th Grade/ Creating a Colony Assessment!

Homework Discussion Post [Due by Friday, January 16th]:
Based upon your planning of your colony, what factor do you think is the most difficult to plan for? How did your team compensate for this difficulty? Explain your thoughts with specific details!


Anonymous said...

I think the worst thing to prepare for is weather. Back then they didn't have radars telling them what's coming. If there's a category 5 hurricane coming the people in the colonies won't know what's coming there way.

Brandon Underwood 5/6 ACE

Anonymous said...

I believe that the most difficult thing is trying to prepare for weather. this is because you never know what the weather is going to be. The way we prepared was that we had buildings that can stand any kind of weather.When we did that it helped us be ready for every kind of weather.

------ADAM HANES------

Aaliyah Krauss said...

I would also have to say whether because they have no radar or tecnology to tell them about a hurricane or tornado or bad whether come towards them.

Anonymous said...

James Hsia
I believe that the most difficult factor to plan for is how the government is made. My team decided to use our country's form of government, democracy. This system of government has worked well so far, and is popular among the people. So we used that form of government for our colony.

Taylor Moss said...

I think that the most difficult thing about creating a colony is the gathering enough evidence and making sure it is accurate. Also keeping your teammates focused and the whole process is difficult. What me and my team do to compensate is to try to think alike, because someone once said "great minds think alike". But that doesn't always work you see when it comes to the gathering information it is hard to choose which one of ours is the most accurate or correct. So we use a fraction of each others own information to get us going and once we are done completing that we check a lot of it to make sure it makes sense and most of all is correct. After that we try to relax and stay calm and don't work as hard or as much. Then we are complete with are project.

Anonymous said...

-Emma Murphy 7/8 ACE
I think the factor that is the most difficult to plan for is the weather because you can't control it and they didn't really know how to predict it. Our team compensated for this difficulty in several ways. We have sturdy buildings, a palisade wall around our colony, an emergency shelter building for a hurricane or a tornado, and we also have an escape route at the back of the colony with boats so we can travel down the river.

Anonymous said...

I think the most difficult factor was how we decided on where to settle because we didn't want to settle in a play that was too cold or that the place was too hot. We also needed a place were it had a lot of space to start building a our colony.

-!!!(Yousuf Alnaseri)!!!-

Anonymous said...

Anna Long
7-8 ACE
I think that the most difficult factor that our group had to plan for was the water reliability. The water in the river where our colony was located had both salt and fresh water in it. My group and I decided that it was probably okay to stay there because for the most part, the water was potable and had very little salt (not enough to affect the body).

Anonymous said...

I think it is the weather because you don't now when something bad is going to happen because back then you didn't have the weather station to tell you when there will be a big storm.
Cati Silvestre Perez 5-6ACE

Eve Sarbanes 7/8 ACE said...

I think the most challenging thing to prepare our colony for is the weather. You can't control it so you need to be ready for any possibilities such as floods, droughts, and hurricane. To make sure nothing bad happened my colony made sure we had wells for a source of water as well as a palisade wall to block floods. We decided to make very sturdy structures and we hoped for the best. You know accidents do happen. If we started losing many lives every 2 weeks we will recieve more people to help us out. That is how we overcome this struggle.---eve Sarbanes 7/8 ACE----

Unknown said...

I think the hardest thing to plan for is the weather. Weather is so unpredictable and it effects a lot of things. We had to plan on building shelter that could withstand heavy rains. Some building were able to withstand the rain but others were not. The colonists also had to rely on weather for good crops and health. When the weather was bad, it was harder to hunt, grow crops, and keep warm.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Baby Jimerson 7/8 ACE

I think the most difficult thing in creating a colony is the area. The reason why is because you would have to be accurate in choosing the right spot plus anything can happen specially with the climate change in the weather and other things. So what my group did was to look up the information about the area and its background.

Anonymous said...

Koby Bradshaw - Weather would be the most difficult factor to plan for. To assist in planning, colonists would fortify their structures to protect them. Additional supplies would also help. A fresh water source and shade in the summer and additional animal skins and wood for colder winters. Weather could also impact the food supply through droughts and extreme temperatures. Stockpiling food will help the colonists.

Anonymous said...

Jamison Harbinson 5/6 ace
I think the most difficult thing/factor to plan for was weather. weather can change at an point and time and sometimes you might not be ready for it. You would need to know what the weather was going to be like but how where you supposed to know until it came. you had to be prepared for anything such as floods,torndaos,hurricanes,snow,heat wav,etc.

Dylan Mezick said...

I think the hardest thing to plan for is food/water. Usually in new settlements you don't just have fresh water right in front of you. You will have to also search for food, if you can't find it you have to grow it. Also you need those to stay alive. That is why food and water is the hardest thing to plan for.

saul font said...

I believe that the most difficult part about building a colony is starting easy. Meaning starting easy by having good surrounding nature (trees, good fresh water, not only that but most of all good farming land). So yeah it is basically trying to getting a good fresh start and not choosing a worthless area.

Anonymous said...

I think the hardest thing to plan for is how we will protect our colony because there is so many ways that we can get attacked by. What my colony did was we put up 4 cannons 2 on the north and south ends. Then we put up wall that surround the colony. Then we put up watch towers on the east and west ends and towers 100 yards away from the colony.
Trate Underwood 7-8 ACE

Anonymous said...

the hardest thing to plan on is how to be freindly to the indians. the indians are unpredictable and may have all ready encountered other english men and think that we are all bad people. W e compensated this issuse by coming up with planson how to make the indians like us by makeing trades and offering help and asking for help in troubleing times.
~Ambrozia Howard:{)~

Anonymous said...

Brian Min 7/8 ACE

The most challenging factor was the organization of the presentation.. We had to make the presentation very creative. to do that we added a lot of color to our poster . We did that to make out colony more attractive. what would the point be if we did all the research and the presentation stunk so we would be rejected by Bigbucks?

Anonymous said...

I think the most difficult factor to plan for is the area where you want to settle. You need a great area to grow crops, a good source of clean, freshwater and flat area to settle.You also have to have good weather so the crops don't die or your colony doesn't get blown to pieces. I think this has to be one of the things you have to think about when starting a colony.
-Felipe Calderon

Anonymous said...

rachel burkhardt i think the hardest thing to plan was the weather because back then they did not know what the weather will be the next day like we do today. today we have technolgy which can tell us thoes kinds of things. 5-6 ace

Unknown said...

Well I would say the most difficult would have to be making our money and protection so we made at least two large farms for the citizens to grow foods to create other things and to sell and we also have stables holding animals which they can choose to kill to use skin as clothing and meat as food and to sell or they could simply keep them alive and use them to help work on the farms and throughout the colony. The way we concurred protection is we have a moat surrounding the colony this includes all things beyond the town square. We also have watchtowers spread throughout guarded by militia and soldiers. We also have cannons ready to fire at any time also guarded by militia and soldiers. We also have a wall surrounding the town square which includes all houses and important buildings to the colony so we have great protection around that.
This is how we concurred our problems.

Anonymous said...

Zahra Siddiqui 7-8 ACE 1/19/15 While planning a colony the most difficult factor to plan for is probably the area. The area can also have a big factor on weather and weather is also a very critical factor. The area is also very important to your crops and if you don't have crops you will starve and that won't be a very pleasing factor to your colony.

Anonymous said...

Fiona Benn
7/8 ACE
The hardest thing to plan for in your new colony would be the weather. If you went unintentionally in a drought, your colony could fail without enough water to grow crops. If you went during a time when it rained a lot, your colony has a higher chance of being flooded. Sadly, you cannot just guess as to when to go. The weather is just too unpredictable to be able to plan exactly when you would leave. The "New World" and England is an ocean away, so you would just have to decide and possibly go during a time of good weather. This is a risk possible settlers and the people who are funding the colony have to take. This is why the hardest thing to plan for is the weather.

Anonymous said...

I think the most difficult factor to plan for was acquiring food and water. When the colonists came ashore, there was no ready food and/or water for them. They had to find it themselves. Also, food and water are essential for survival. You cannot just assume you do not need it. It is not one of the things you can live without. Our team compensated for this by planning our colony in modern day Elizabeth city, North Carolina. This was very close to a river(assumingly freshwater.)This would provide us with clean water to drink and to bathe in. TO compensate for food, we made sure that the area had a plentiful amount of wildlife and game to hunt. We also made sure that the climate was just right to plant crops in good weather.
Anisah Khattak 7/8 ACE

Anonymous said...

Kevin Gutoskey 7/8 ACE
I think that the most difficult factor to plan for is the area in which you setlle. There are many factors that play into the place that you choose to settle in and some of them can be quite unpredictable at times. Such as soil that has to be good for farming, weather and climate that have to be suitable for living in, the topography that has to be possible to settle on, and many more factors are to be considered. To manage this dilemma, we decided to research the possible areas and choose one that has good soil, flat land but also woods (possibly), a fresh source of water, and weather and a climate that the human body can comfortably live in and/or adapt to.

Trevor Pusey said...

I think that the most difficult factor to plan for was the weather.I think this because if you have crops you need to grow,your going to need water to help grow the crops so you can eat them fresh.You would also need a fresh water source so you can drink and not dehydrate and die

Anonymous said...

The most difficult thing you have to think about is probably weather. I say this because people grow their crops and if theres bad weather and they cant then they wont eat and will most likely die of starvation.

morgan larkin 7/8 ace