Wednesday, January 21, 2015

8th Grade/ Etruscan and Greek Culture-- Rome!

Homework Discussion Post [Due by Friday, 1/23/2015]:

Which aspects of Etruscan and Greek culture do you think had the most important influence on Rome?


Anonymous said...

Dylan Bennish
I believe that Greek architecture and Etruscan engineering has the biggest influence on Rome. Rome is known a lot for its building and designs that they were able to create without modern day technology. The Romans used Greek architecture and Etruscan engineering and made the buildings bigger and better. Rome has a stadium that fits over 200,000 people.

Unknown said...

I think the architecture was an important aspect in Roman culture because they had very fancy buildings. There are famous ones we know today. I think the writing was also a big influence because it gave them a way to communicate other than words. For example, they could write "Bath Hall" on the walls so that people know that they go there to bathe.

Unknown said...

Etruscan engineering was very influential to the Roman civilization. Romans would be giant aqueducts to carry water, was used by the Etruscans. Also in Roman buildings you find arches which the Etruscans also used.

Anonymous said...

I think that the Engineering that came from the Greek and the Etruscan were the most important because then they would be able to build many things based on what had been influenced. For example the Romans can build ships and buildings with the knowledge they had been influenced with. Another influence that was important was the writing influence. The writing helped to keep records and to label things that they build.

Maryam Alnaseri
5/6 BDF

Anonymous said...

julianna sterling

I think that the religion and the architecture they adapted from the Greek and Etruscan had the most influence on Rome. I think this because their religion was very important to them, and it was a big aspect of their daily life. I think the architecture was important because it helped them build sturdy and detailed buildings that are still standing today.

Anonymous said...

I think that Etruscan Engineering was and most important that influence he Rome. The engineering was all around them because of the buildings that they built. Also the ships that hey used were based off the Etruscan's. So therefore with out it they would not have as many buildings.
Tahli Chesnutt 5/6 bdf

Anonymous said...

I believe that Etruscan engineering had the most important influence on Rome. Due to the fact they were able to build so much, which helped especially when it came to ship-building for trading and fishing. I also believe that another important influence would be the writing. without writing that would take away a way to communicate.

-Camryn Hoeck

Anonymous said...

I think the writing that the Romans took and changed from the Etruscans, the Etruscan engineering, and Greek architecture all had the most influence on ancient Rome. The writing was used all the time, due to it being the Romans form of it, you can't do much without being able o write. Also, the Etruscan dome shaped buildings were all over ancient Rome. The Greek architecture, which was the buildings made out of concrete were also all over ancient Rome.
Taylor Dodd
5/6 bdf

Anonymous said...

I think the aspects that most influenced Rome were the Greek Writing and Religion because, it can symbolize Rome, and stand for important words or pictures. Their religion is their different cultures, and the gods that they worship. Their writing can mean important documents or represent something important.

Rachel Arion 5/6 BDF

Anonymous said...

Etruscan and Greek culture have had many influences on Rome. The greatest Etruscan impact on Rome was their games. Rome embraced Etruscan games so much that they created huge and elaborate stadiums to play in. With that being said, Roman's had also followed Greek architecture. They used the same look for buildings as the Greeks did. With this being said, the Etruscan sports and Greek architecture have had a large influence on Rome.
Hannah Burchard

Anonymous said...

The aspects from Etruscan and Greek culture which I think had the most influence on Rome were the architecture and the religion. Most of Rome's religion was based off of the Greek's religion. They were also known for their engineering which they had adapted from the Etruscans, and it also played a large role in their lives.
Abdullah Siddiqui
Period 7/8

Anonymous said...

I think that the Greek architecture and the Greek writing had the most impact on Rome. The Greek architecture were all the buildings that were built over Rome. Also the Greek writing because it could illustrate a goddess symbol or sign.

Anonymous said...

This is robert stuetz
5/6 BDF
Sorry I forgot to put my name. It was the last one published

Anonymous said...

collin sokola

i believe that the architecture and structure had the greatest influence on rome because that is how we know about their grand buildings.

Unknown said...

I believe the Greeks architecture had the biggest influence on Rome because they had very intricut building such as the Colosseum and the Pantheon; which are still standing today. They took the Greeks way if building things and put their spin on it. Also by learning how the Romans and Greeks built their empires; we can advance that to make our own structures such as the Eiffel Tower.
Mikayla Beauchamp

Anonymous said...

I believe the most important influence on Rome from The Etruscan and Greek culture is architecture. They are known for their intricate buildings and arches. It was very advanced for their time, and they are still known for it today.

-Sarah Runge
7/8 BDF

Anonymous said...

Makayla Joseph
I believe that building and designing is the most influential for Rome. I believe this because the engineering was a influence from Etruscan. Also the art is from Greek. So both of the cultures had a influence on the Romans.

Unknown said...

I believe that the most influence that Rome got was the architecture of the estruscan because the buildings that they made was involved with the type designs that the Etruscan used. As well the art was another influence for Rome because the Greek art has very beautiful paintings on objects and buildings as well with the poems.

Anonymous said...

Sayuri Velazco P:7/8 BDF
The Etruscans' and Greeks' culture had a great influence on Rome. The greatest impact from the Estruscan's was their engineering. It was very important because this is how the Romans learned to build. They learned that they needed columns or some type of support for the buildings.The greatest Greek impact was their architecture. The Greek's architecture was extremely important because the Romans adapted their architecture. They built ther buildings based on how the Greeks' buildings looked. The Etrsucans and the Greeks made a great impact on Rome and how they grew.

Unknown said...

I think that the sports wrighting and art were the most influence because they were most seen

Unknown said...

Also engineering because the needed to lurn how to build

Laila Libertin 7-8 BDF said...

I think the Etruscan engineering had the most influence on Rome because they used the same structure for temples, stadiums, art rooms, etc. I think the Etruscan engineering made a big impact on Rome.

Anonymous said...

Saige Oechsli
PD.7/8 BDF

The Etruscan/Greek architecture and engineering had the largest influence on Rome. They helped the Romans build massive domes, arches and aqueducts. The Romans also built huge stadiums and famous buildings like the Circus Maximus, the Colosseum, and the Pantheon. The Romans were extremely advanced in their technological and architectural methods, and it is truly amazing such a powerful empire could fall.

Anonymous said...

Mircole Lacson
I think that the architecture, art, and the religion were most important for Rome. The architecture and art mostly would have their Roman gods and Rome has many temples that they can go to to properly honor their gods which was specifically for them. Also they had many statues for their gods which either represented them or their herois deeds or feats.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the Etruscan had the most influence on Rome because Rome built a lot of similar buildings as the Greeks and the romans did around the same designs as the Greeks

Brandon Scholl

Anonymous said...

i think that the agriculture of Rome is the most influential. this is because everything depends on the culture and the, the art and the way that the people do things. this is very influential to the people living there because it is the culture that they live in. this is why i think that the most influential is the agriculture of Rome.
-emily hanes

Anonymous said...

kade johnsonn 5/6 bdf

I believe that the Etruscan and Greek architecture had the greatest affect on Rome because they displayed it everywhere. Most of their buildings in cities and home were made like Greek Architecture.

Unknown said...

I think the architecture and the engineering most influenced the Romans because they built basically the same building. They did add some of their own qualities but it was mostly ideas from Etruscans and Greek.

tyler dodd 7-8bdf said...

I think that agurculture because most of the buildings and homes were built like greek agurculture.