Friday, September 19, 2014

7th Grade/ Settlement!

How does the place where you live affect: the cloths you wear, the materials you use to build your homes, the types of food you can grow, and your leisure activities? This week, we will examine and compare location, soil, and weather of early Jamestown and the Moon in order to evaluate and analyze how these items affect settlement. We will accomplish this through a mapping lab exercise involving the thirteen original colonies, an experiment involving dendrochronology (tree rings) of early Jamestown, and the comparison of soil factors in the early colonies and the moon today.

Homework Response Question:
How does location, soil and weather affect settlement?  [Due by 10/3/14]


Anonymous said...

Location effects settlement because you might need certain things such as good soil or a water source where you are going to settle. Soil effects settlement because you may need/want a certain soil quality for farming, building, or just living on. Whether effects settlement because you may need certain conditions required for what you plan to do on the land. If you will be farming then you need rain. If the weather is to harsh you cannot live there at all.
-Anisah Khattak 7/8 ACE

Anonymous said...

Location effects settlement because you might need certain materials like, good soil, or a source of water. Soil effects settlement because you need soil for farming, structures, and just plain "hanging out." Weather effects settlement because if it rained too much, you wouldn't be able to build, and if it would be too hot or dry, you might have a drought, you simply need just the right weather condition to do what you need to do. But of course your going to need some rain for crops and all, but if it rains more than needed, the crops will get soaked and there could be a flood, so you can't live there at all.

-Jamie Curley 5/6 BDF

taylor moss said...

Well location affects settlement because you need to move somewhere where you can endure the conditions. Also soil affects settlement because you can't grow crops with dry soil because it won't have the nutrience you need in it. Last weather affects settlement because the conditions where you live could be gruesome if you don't know. Ex: flooding ,drought and hypothermia. In conclusion you need to know the weather beforw you move some - place that will rip your house apart or eat away the wood . Be Careful!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Zahra Siddiqui 9/23/14 7-8 ACE
The place you live affects the clothes you wear, the materials you build with, the types of clothes you wear and you're leisure activities because of the weather. The weather is usually crispy so not too hot and not too cold. Also it can rain quite a bit so that's a factor to think about .

Anonymous said...

Anna Long
7-8 ACE
Location affects settlement because you need different land features in order to survive and communicate with the old world. For example, you need a body of water for shipping supplies between the old and the new world, you need a source of fresh water for drinking, and a lot of land for growing crops. Soil affects settlement because you need good soil for growing things. You also need good soil for growing trees to use for lumber. Weather affects settlement because you need certain weather to fulfill different jobs. For example, you need some sunny and warm weather to grow things, but you also need some rain to keep the plants alive. You also need good weather for building houses/ facilities.

Anonymous said...

The location can affect the settlement by the weather, soil, and the materials of what you bring. The weather can affect the settlement if it is to hot the crops won't be able to grow. If it is to cold the plants will die because of the cold. If the soil is dry the crops and plants won't grow because it would need minerals so it would grow. If there is no rain and it is hot people will die because they won't have food and water to drink instead they would drink from the river witch is bad and can make them really ill. The materials can affect the settlement by not bring the correct items. For example if you didn't bring a knife you won't be able to cut or make an item. -Cati Silvestre Perez 5/6 ACE

Eve Sarbanes 7/8 ACE said...

These 3 things are very important when it comes to settlement. For example you need to settle somewhere that there is not a ton of rain to flood your plants but not enough rain because you don't want a drought. Droughts can lead to no food, water, and starvation. Soil affects because you need somewhere with rich soil so you can plant crops. Without rich soil you can starve to death. Location affects settlement because you need somewhere somewhat close to the water so you can easily unload and load ships without having to haul the stuff everywhere. Also you need the water to hydrate. You also need location because you need somewhere with rich soil and even ground. Along with an open space big enough to build what your aiming to build.

Anonymous said...

Yousuf Alnaseri

Location, soil and weather affect settlement because if you live near a place that gives you a lot of rain than people will live there. People will live there because of 2 reasons one reason is Farming, and the second reason is that there won't be a drought. Location is important because people don't want to live near a graveyard or somewhere where someone got murdered or killed.

Unknown said...

Location, soil, and weather play a very important role when deciding where to settle.
The location is the actual place where you settle. People settle in locations where they have access to many resources (water, woods, jobs, etc..).

The soil affects where people settle because you need good rich soil in order to grow plants and food. You also need to have solid soil that is stable when building your home or other structures.

The weather impacts where people live. Areas that receive a lot of rain have a tendency to flood. Areas that do not get enough rain have a harder time growing plants and food. Areas that are too hot or too cold are more difficult to grow plants and food.

Anonymous said...

Location is important. If you pick the wrong location it could back fire. Soil is also important. If it is regular soil you cant farm on it. Weather is the most important. If you pick somewhere in the desert you will get no rain.

Brandon Underwood 5/6 ACE

Anonymous said...

Location affects settlement because you need to have the right land to build on. Soil affects settlement because you have to be able to grow food to live off of. Lastly weather affects settlement because it wouldnt be safe to live somewhere that has lots of tornadoes or major storms.

-morgan larkin. 7/8 ACE

Anonymous said...

The location, soil,and weather affects settlement by having proper land to settle on. Location is key because you need a port near you and flat land for settlement. The soil is also key because you need fertile land to plant crops and grow food. And finally you need to have a place with mild weather and equals out its self. In conclusion the location , soil, and weather are factors that you need to consider before moving.

RJ Batts

Anonymous said...

The location, soil,and weather affects settlement by good land to settle on. Location is important because you need to be near water so you can trade goods with places far away from you like across the sea which u cant walk to. The soil is also important because u need fertile places to plant crops so that u can grow food and other things u need. you also need a place with good weather so your plants don't flood with to much rain and doesnt dry out with not enough rain or a place so cold you freeze to death at winter

David C. said...

Location effects settlement because you will need a lot of things such as good soil or a water source where you are going to live. Soil mostly effects settlement because you may need/want a type of soil quality for farming, living, or even builiding on. Whether effects settlement because you may need certain conditions required for what you plan to do on the land. If you will be farming then you need rain. If the weather is to dry or harsh you can not ever live there at in any way.

Dylan Mezick 5/6ACE said...

The location, soil, and weather does affect how you live in settlements. The location effects it because you will want a very wet place with trees. This is important because water will let you drink and survive. Trees help because you can build a fort/hut with it. Soil affects it because you wil need a very rich soil to grow crops. This is important cause that could be only one of the food sources you have. Weather is important because you need water to live and sun to grow crops. Sun and water helps that crops grow so we can eat, that. Is why sun and water is important. That is why location, soil, and weather does effect settlement.
-Dylan Mezick 5/6ACE

Anonymous said...

Jamison Harbinson 5/6 ace
Location, soil and weather have a lot to do with settlement. Weather affects settlement by like if it rains a lot then you might want to go somewhere where its sunny with a little bit of rain. Soil affects settlement by if you wanted good soil for planting, farming, etc you would want to have good soil. Location effects it a lot because if you choose a place where it snows a lot, you might have to keep moving until you find a good spot like a sunny, decent place where its not to sunny yet not to much cloud either.

Anonymous said...

The location affects settlement because if you settle near a river or lake you can have clean water, if you settle near mountains it will be hard to travel. The soil affects the food you grow like if you have bad soil you cant grow crops. The weather will affect if you get rain, if it is safe all year round to be outside.
-Trate Underwood 7-8 ACE

Anonymous said...

Weather soil and location effect settlement by you need to have a good location where you can get supplies and grow crops the soil effects settlement by you need fertile soil to grow crops to eat weather effects settlement by if you have too much water than too less the water the plants could go into drought or flood

Nick 7-8ace

Anonymous said...

Location affects how successful a settlement is because it has to have a good place with plenty of fresh water and wood. The soil affects how well crops will grow and give food. The weather will affect how safe it is. For example, if there are frequent storms and tornados, that may not be the best lace to settle. Also, if there is no rain, the crops won't grow well.
James Hsia 7/8 ACE

Saul Font said...

These three things all affect settlement, in each a different way. Such as when choosing a settlement you don't want to live on low, flat land or else the area you live in will be flooded. Then your soil wont grow because it will suck in to much water and over hydrate causing a puddle, flood, or over flow. Also when choosing a settlement you want to make sure your able to plant and you have enough water supply, farm land and a place to catch food. You might also want to be careful; where you choose your home, because sure enough you don't want to live near a polluted area or a non-planting area. To complete my post you might also need to watch out that there's not to much rain, or no rain at all you want to make sure its 50-50.

Trevor said...

The location,soil,and the weather affect settlement because you need to find a flat land or high land or low land to live on and you must decide your faith with that.The soil affects with the food that you grow to eat because it may become rotten and you need food to live.And last,you should always be precautionous of where your going to live whether if that's a place where you get a lot of snow or no rain at all,but rain is one of the most important sources you need to live off so you can drink and not dehydrate like the people who lived in Jamestown.

Anonymous said...

Koby Bradshaw 5-6 ACE

Location affects settlement because if you are near fresh water you can drink it, use it to water crops and fish from it. So it wold be good to settle near water. Different types of soil would affect the types of crops that are able to be grown and he ability to build houses. Weather would affect settlement because if you live in a very dry area with little rain certain crops may not grow well and people may die of dehydration if they did not have another source of water.

Anonymous said...

Fiona Benn 7/8 ACE
Location, soil, and weather are all very important to a settlement.You need all of these to work together so that you can farm, hunt, or build houses and forts. You can't not have fresh water nearby, just just you need proper temperature for crops. You also need soil that can hold water and roots. These three variables are all very important to survival in the settlements.

Anonymous said...

Location is very important because where you choose to live is important, example , you would want to live somewhere where there is 4-8 inches of rain so your crops will grow well. You would want to have rich soil because rich soil equals rich crops. So when you want to settle somewhere those 3 things are what you want to look for.

-Even Giordano 7-8 ACE

Anonymous said...

Kevin Gutoskey 7/8 ACE
Location, soil, and weather greatly affected where people settled in Jamestown, and still do today. Each factor also greatly impacts the way that you will live. If you choose an area with rich soil, then your crops will grow and be healthy. If you choose a location with soil that is not fertile, you'll have a very hard time farming. Weather also affects crops and farming. An area with small amounts of rainfall will cause crops to wither and die. An area with too much rainfall may cause crops to drown, and die. So, the rainfall and climate has to be just right. If it's hot all day (everyday), you may not want to settle there. Last, is location. If you are going to depend on farming for food, you most likely won't live in the mountains. And if you are going to fish or are going to trade with other countries (or just get supplies from another place), you may want to settle close to the ocean. These three things affect where people choose and chose to settle in more ways then you'd think, and those were just a few.

Unknown said...

Well if you live near the sea you would mostly eat seafood and you really wouldn't want to live in a place where you get 2-etc... inches of rain and the soil would affect it because if the soil got in the water source somehow you would want the soil to be clean and weather would affect it because if you had a drought you would be out water for crops batheing and drinking.
So this is how location,soil,and weather effect settlement.

Anonymous said...

Location affect settlement because if you live by water you have to make sure the ground is stable enough. You also have to make sure the water source you live near has good drinking water. Soil affects settlement because you would need to grow crops for food and if the soil is dry and crumbly you won't be able to plant crops. Weather affects settlement because if it doesn't rain then your soil won't be moist. Also if there is a big storm it could wipe out all your crops and your entire settlement.
-Emma Murphy 7/8 ACE

Unknown said...

Loction can affect settlement if u dont live by the ocean and the people like swiming then they will probley want to live by the ocean.Soil can affect settlement by if you dont have very moist soil the farmer would want to live were soil is moist and healthy but if you have moist soil then it would be good for corn,beans,and ect. Weather can affect settlement if your always having storms and damaging weather then people will probley want to live somewhere the weather is calm.